Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Taiha's Mini Mole: Episode 9.5: Solution!

Taiha's Mini Mole

Episode 9.5:

*       *       *
Here is a quick episode.
To recap the answer to the last challenge.
Escape the Hotel.

Room 1 - Danny
Room 2 - Jan

Room 3 - Bridgette
Room 4 - Pacman

Firstly. In Room 1.

Danny would have to score a bullseye on the dart board.

This would trigger the wall panel in Pacman's room to flip.

Allowing him to find this "magic mirror". Which would tell him the password.
But there is no microphone in this room.

The password to the computer (GreyWinters) will be given to Jan who would then get a combination.
6653. (MOLE)

In order for Bridgette to see. The light must be turned on.

Using this machine. Jan must keep exercising to keep the light on.

Bridgette would use the combo 6653 in this chest to get a key.

To this door.

A key, in the light, could be easily seen on this dark Chess piece. 

This key opens Pacman's door.

With the opened wall.

A key could be found in the water.

Which would open Danny's room.

In a bottle on the shelves. Another key...

... for Jan's room.

Thus escaping the tower...

...and winning $100,000.
But where did it all go wrong?

*       *       *

WINNER'S KITTY: $113,000
MOLE'S KITTY: $79,000

Hosted by Taiha Anderson.
Produced by Haylo.

Bridgette Newman
Jan Ellis
Amber Ferreira
Stacey White
Danny Sharpe
Juan Kennedy
Brad Hughes
Pacman Pierce

Real Life Players:

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Taiha's Mini Mole: Episode 9: Problem?

Taiha's Mini Mole

Episode 9:

*       *       *
Pacman: Uh. Wow. Never thought I would actually stay this long in the game. It's fantastic. This game is doing great for me... and I know that I am going to get to the final 3! I just know it!

Bridgette: I can't believe I'm still here. I mean in the final 4. That's the halfway point right? I do feel as if it's not fair that I am still here. I mean. I did already get eliminated. But who cares?! I'm still here!

Danny: This. Is. Going. AWESOME! Man, I didn't think that I would get this far... Ok. Maybe just a little. But if I don't go home next. That money is practically mine. I've seen the other people. They're not gonna win anything.

Jan: I can't believe this. I'm this close to taking home all that money. If I don't get eliminated next. There is nothing between me and the money. Except the Mole that is. I hope my hunch is right.

*       *       *
*Sleepy Times*

Everyone is asleep,
in the Mole House.

And not a creature was stirring,
not even a mouse.

Except the two lovers,
Bridgette and Pacman.

Who fell asleep.
And totally ruined my poem.
... Thanks guys. Like it wasn't bad enough.

But in the Mole house. Nothing is that peaceful.

*       *       *

Jan: *yawn* Morning guys.

Bridgette: Morning.
Jan: Hey. Where's Danny?
Bridgette: Not here yet.
Jan: Doesn't he normally wake up early?

Bridgette: Yeah. Actually. He'll probably make some dramatic entrance.



Bridgette: Or not. Thats ok too I guess.

Jan: Where is that man?
Bridgette: Who knows?
Jan: Oh my God! He's been kidnapped!

Pacman: I'm sure it's nothing like that. Probably slept in or something stupid.
Jan: But it could of happened.

Pacman: I'll check on him.

Pacman: *knock knock knock* Danny?!
Pacman: *knock knock knock* Danny?!?!
Pacman: *knock knock knock* Danny?!?!?!

Pacman: Dude. Are you in here?


Pacman: Hey. What are you guys doing in here.
Wait no!!!!!!

Bridgette: What was that?!

Jan: What was what?
Bridgette: That noise? I'm gonna go check it out.
Jan: Ok. 

Bridgette: Alex? Danny? Are you guys in here?


Jan: What was that?

Jan: Guys this isn't funny.

Jan: Oh. It's just you. Where did the other contestants go? What are you doing with that?


*       *       *

Taiha: Unaware that they have been kidnapped.
They're being sent to their next challenge.

Wait... or is it the other way around. Unaware that they are starting their next challenge.

They're being sent here.
Taiha: No not on a plane!

Taiha: HERE! To this hotel in the centre of town!

*       *       *

Pacman: Uh. Guys? Bridgette? Jan? Danny?!

Taiha: Sup guys! Welcome to you're next challenge.
Escape the Hotel!
If all 4 of you escape and meet me at the bottom floor.
The most profitable challenge yet!

Danny: Was it really necessary to kidnap us?
Taiha: Uh. Yeah. Duh!
By the way. You have an hour! 

Jan: Well. This is a mess. Nothing in here seems any help at all.

Bridgette: Do you have light?
Jan: Uh. Yeah.
Bridgette: Well I can't see a damn thing!

Pacman: I have nothing. Literally just 4 small walls and a door.

Bridgette: I can't find anything. I've already kicked my toe on something.

Jan: My door is locked.

Danny: Same on my end. It's a bit obvious but it was worth a try.

Bridgette: I can't find my door! I need a light!

Jan: I've got a computer....
Pacman: And?
Jan: It's password protected.
Danny: Great!

Danny: I've got a dart board in my room.
Pacman: We need actual help here.

Danny: Man. My skills are rusty.

Danny: No wait bullseye!
Taiha: 8 minutes already down guys. 
Bridgette: Gee that went fast!

Pacman: Uh guys. One of my walls just moved!
Danny: And...
Jan: How? Why?

Pacman: I've almost got it.... There seems to be another room behind this wall.
Bridgette: Awesome!

Pacman: And... Now it's closed again.

Danny: Well let me know how that room turns out.
All I have is a lot of drinks.

Jan: Well. I've got this exercise machine. Might as well give it a go.

Taiha: Fifteen minutes down.
Bridgette: Grea....

Bridgette: ...EAT!!! My lights are on!

Bridgette: This is what my room looks like. Pfft. Lame.
Oh a key!

Pacman: Guys? I need help getting out. This door won't budge!
Hello? Anyone?!

Jan: Uh. That great Bridge. I think that it's my machine that is doing the lights.

Jan: Wait. This is really hard to do. I need to go to the gym more.

Danny: Why such a sudden quiet on Pacman's end?
Jan: No.... Uh.... idea.... Uh.

Bridgette: Well... My door is locked.
Danny: Duh.
Bridgette: I mean the key didn't work.

Pacman: Guys. Communication is nice.
I might have found something in this bookcase.

Pacman: This isn't FUNNY!
Maybe my microphone isn't working.

Jan: I am so tired of this.

Danny: Do you think they mind if I have a few drinks?
Jan: Go ahead. Save me some. I haven't had any since this show started.

Taiha: 30 minutes remaining! Come on guys!
Pacman: What?

Pacman: Why won't you guys answer me? HELP FOR GODS SAKE!

*       *       *

Danny: Look. I have nothing to do but throw darts. So I'm gonna keep at it.

Danny: Perfect. Robin Hood has nothing on me.

Pacman: Uhhh.... Why won't you open?!

Pacman: Come.... ON!!!

Pacman: Uh. Finally!

Bridgette: Pacman? Where have you been?
Pacman: I've been talking for the last half hour now!

Jan: It's about 40 minutes past I think. We couldn't hear you.

Pacman: Well I guessed that. Any luck with the puzzle?
Jan: Nope. Nothing significant.
*Wall closes*

Pacman: Uh. Danny can you stop throwing the darts?

Danny: Why is that? It's all I have to do.

Pacman: Um. I found nothing in my room. There is a bookcase and some other junk.

Jan: Well if we can't find the password to this computer. We'll have to try and crack the code ourselves.

Jan: Well... Any ideas?

Danny: 1234?
Jan: Let me try.

Jan: Nope.
Bridgette: Cats?

Jan: No. It's too vague.
Bridgette: What about Taihaisawesome?

Jan: Ok. That was too stupid to be it.
Bridgette: Excuse me?
Danny: Nyancat?

Pacman: Wait! Try GreyWinters!

Jan: Wow. Perfect. It worked!
Bridgette: Nice!

Jan: Ok. It says the combo to something is...

Jan: What a strange background this computer has.
Taiha: Shut up! The court says I am only allowed one picture of Grey and I won't waste it on a stupid background!
Oh. You've only got 8 minutes left guys.

Bridgette: Jan. GET ON THE MACHINE!

Jan: Ok.... Lets.... Go!

Bridgette: Ok. 6533. Nope.
Jan: No it was... what was it again?
Pacman: 665...
Jan: ...3!

Bridgette: Got it. Wait! There is another lock in here!?
Jan: WHAT?!
Bridgette: Just kidding! I got another key!

Bridgette: And I'm out!

Bridgette: Lets take Door #2.
Jan: Thats me.
Bridgette: Nope sorry Jan.

Bridgette: Door #4?

Bridgette: Whats my prize in here then?

Pacman: Me?

Pacman: My hero.
Bridgette: Hehe.

Taiha: 5 minutes left! Come on guys.
Bridgette: Omg. Do you have a key?
Pacman: No! Crap! What are we going to do?

Pacman: Come on! Come on!
Bridgette: Push harder!
Danny: I'm pulling on the door.

Taiha: Hi guys. What are you doing?
Pacman: Can't talk now. Trying to break open a door.

Taiha: Well you didn't succeed in getting out of the rooms. But since I'm generous. I'm gonna split it. 50. 50!

Jan: Well. At least $50,000 is amazing! 

Danny: $100,000 would have been nicer! I can't complain but.

Pacman: Well we tried.
Bridgette: We did.

*       *       *

(Here are the rooms left to right)
(4 Pacman, 3 Bridgette, 2 Jan, 1 Danny)

And Another day closes on The Mole.

After tonight...
Only 3 remain.

*       *       *

WINNER'S KITTY: $113,000
MOLE'S KITTY: $79,000

Hosted by Taiha Anderson.
Produced by Haylo.

Bridgette Newman
Jan Ellis
Amber Ferreira
Stacey White
Danny Sharpe
Juan Kennedy
Brad Hughes
Pacman Pierce

Real Life Players: