Sunday, 21 April 2013

Taiha's Mini Mole

Welcome to Taiha's Mini Mole!

Here's the deal. After Winning Season 2 of The Mole by TurnerSims3. Taiha Anderson, Proffesional Mole Hunter, decided it was time to get back into The Mole game... by making her own version of it. She decided the best way to use her prize money. Was to produce and star in her own TV Show, "Taiha's Mini Mole".

But How does this show work?
Well... 8 Australians are competing in a competition to win $250,000. They compete in challenges to earn money towards the groups winnings. Sounds easy enough...
Well it would be... If it weren't for The Mole.
A secret Saboteur is amongst the 8, tried his/her best to stop the group earning money. That person is a spy and gets any money that the group doesn't earn. But they have to be sneaky... because after every challenge, the 7 genuine contestants take a quiz about who the Mole is...
It could be questions like: "Is the Mole male or female?", "How old is the mole?" or even, "What did the mole eat for breakfast?".
The lowest scoring contestant is eliminated, because they knew the least about the Mole. This keeps going until a hopeful, substantial amount of money is left for the winner, or the mole, and only 3 people are left:
One who will win everything.
One who will win nothing.
and One who is The Mole!

Episodes Can Be Found Here:
Episode 1: Search and... Find:
Episode 2: First Elimination:
Episode 3: Who Do You Think They Are?:
Episode 4: It Takes Two:
Episode 5: The Lost and The Found:
Episode 6: Not! Happy! JAN!!!:
Episode 7: Friends & Family:
Episode 8:Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right :
Episode 9: Problem?:
Episode 9.5: Solution!:
Episode 10: Missed it by that much:
Episode 11: The Finale Countdown:
Episode 12: FINALE:

Bridgette Newman - Smarties101
Jan Ellis- Skelda
Amber Ferreira - Meowool
Stacey White - Twiddle3

Danny Sharpe - Kaliko103
Juan Kennedy - Kawaiidulce
Brad Hughes
Alex "Pacman" Pierce - Zefiewings

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