Taiha's Mini Mole
Season 2
Episode 2:
First Elimination
* * *
*Back at the Mole Manor*
Back at the Manor.
The contestants wind down by hanging about in their rooms.
Watching TV or playing games.
Or even by having civilised group conversations.
Dean: I don't know. I just think that there was a lot of mole behaviour today.
Chantelle: Like what? Who specifically?
Dean: Mark. He told me horrible directions. I mean most of it I had to just trust his word.
Dean: I know it's hard but it's pretty obvious when you tell someone the wrong way.
Chantelle: But didn't he get you through?
Dean: Yeah but...
Chantelle: So don't you think he is trustworthy?
Dean: All I'm saying is I don't trust him... or anyone.
Chantelle: Not even me?
Dean: I kind of trust you.
Chantelle: Kind of... Hm...
Dean: Yeah sorry.
Chantelle: Well the only person I trust is Mandi. She's just so... genuine.
Dean: Looks can be deceiving.
Chantelle: Yes. Because you know SO much about looks.
* * *
Mandi: Oh great. This top is getting a bit ragged. It might be time for a change of clothes. It just... Isn't working for me anymore.
Aaron: You got that right.
Mandi: Excuse me?
Clara: Ha! Looks fine. Don't mind him. He's just stirring up trouble.
Mandi: Hmpf. I reckon.
Aaron: What that's all you got to say?
Mandi: Why are you trying to start an argument?!
Aaron: I'm not trying to start anything.
Clara: Yeah... it doesn't look like you've finished anything ever either.
Aaron: Who asked for your opinion?! Last time I checked, corpses are supposed to be in the grave!
Clara: Keep this up and you're going to be corpse! You little s***!
Mandi: Clara please. Don't fight idiot with idiot. You can't win an argument with a child. They just end up crying.
Aaron: What did you say?! WHAT DID YOU SAY?! Why don't you come over here and say it to my face?!
Mandi: I said you're an idiotic child who you can't fight against cause you don't want them to go off crying. In case you didn't hear me the first time.
Clara: Mandi. Hold up. You're so out of your league here.
Mandi: But aren't I the officer?
Clara: Listen here you little spoiled brat! If you don't start playing nice...
Aaron: What? If I don't play nice, what?! Are you gonna chuck a tantrum?!
Clara: NO! I'm gonna throw you off the f***ing balcony!
Aaron: Please. In order for you to do that. You'd have to fit through the bloody door!
Clara: Oh yeah?
Clara: EAT GLOVE B****!!!
Aaron: Ah! What the HELL!
Clara: Don't mess with me!
Mandi: This is getting out of hand...
Mandi: I'm gonna get a drink.
Mandi: Oh look. It's the twins.
Ava: *mindless talking*
Ali: See we could use one of those. I want one!
Mandi: Hi girls.
Ava: Wait wait wait. Do you even know how to play chest?
Ali: Um. No. It just looks nice!
Ava: Omg! You are so right!
Ali: We should totally buy one after the show!
Ava: Where would we put it?
Ali: Who knows. OMG! Witches!
Ava: Do you think I'd make a good witch?
Ali: Oh totally!
* * *
Mandi: Oh. Hi Rob.
Rob: Mandi! Hello. Just the person I wanted to see!
Mandi: Oh. Really? Is everything ok?
Rob: Please ask me to do magic!
Mandi: Excuse me?
Rob: I haven't done anything for a while... I need practise!
Mandi: If you insist.
Rob: Ok ready? Nothing up my sleeves.
Mandi: You don't have sleeves.
Rob: Shut up and let me do it.
Rob: See this magical coin?!
Mandi: That better not be from the kitty.
Rob: Well now it's instant butterflies!
Mandi: Oh wow! Rob that was amazing!
Rob: Thank you! Thank you!
Mandi: Please do another one.
Rob: I only know one. What am I a magician?!
* * *
Chantelle: So you think that he could be the mole?
Dean: Of course. He is by far the most shady character.
Dean: If Mark isn't ...
Mark: If I'm not what?
Dean: MARK! Uh.. Um.. If you're not busy maybe we could talk.
Mark: Oh. What are we talking about.
Chantelle: Dean thinking you're the Mole.
Dean: Chantelle!
Mark: What you think it's me?
Dean: I just think it's possible. I haven't ruled anyone out yet.
Mark: I led you through the maze. I made sure that we got money in the kitty today!
Mark: I've been through so much in my life. And you can't trust me enough?
Mark: Addictions, poverty... Heck I was even in the army!
Mark: I've been through alcoholism. Went to countless A&A meetings to get my life on track!
Mark: I've opened up to you to prove to you that I am a trustworthy guy. But you don't believe me!?
Chantelle: ...
Dean: Well...
Mark: WELL?!
Dean: I...
Mark: Come on. You can tell me.
Dean: I just thought you were a bit shady today. More than anyone else.
Chantelle: You gave him bad directions and stuff...
Mark: Thats it? Those were honest mistakes! Anyone could have done that. Those weren't intentional.
I'm not really the brightest crayon in the packet, ya know?
Dean: I'm sorry that I don't trust you.
Mark: Well you should have faith in me.
Dean: I know I should.
* * *
Taiha: Little did they know.
Elimination was soon.
Taiha: ...and in this game. You can't trust anyone.
* * *
Taiha: As the contestants get ready...
Taiha: They begin to think of their top suspects. Who the Mole is and isn't.
Aaron: I...
Clara: Don't start with me boy.
* * *
Taiha: The contestants are taking the quiz.
10 Multi-choice questions about the identity of the Mole.
The lowest scoring player will be...
* * *
Taiha: Sup everyone!
Taiha: You all have seen the show before right?
Taiha: Right?! Lowest scorer will be eliminated.
Taiha: Green. Is good.
Taiha: Red however... is the opposite of good... Um... Ungood?
Taiha: Pretty simple.
Taiha: Who wants to start?
Taiha: Mandi. Ladies first.
Mandi: Please be green.
Mandi: Oh thank god.
Taiha: Dean. Looking a bit worried.
Taiha: It's nothing scary... much.
Taiha: Doesn't matter you're safe.
Taiha: Ali?
Taiha: Ava?
Taiha: Girls? You're up.
Taiha: Up! and Staying Up!
Taiha: Rob. You're looking a bit sad.
Rob: I guess.
Taiha: So lets see Clara's verdict.
Taiha: And lets all hope that it isn't green.
Taiha: It is...
Clara: HA!
Taiha: Well our next best guess is Aaron to go home!
Aaron: Yeah. Come at me.
Taiha: Shut up.
Taiha: Chantelle.
Taiha: Rob.
Taiha: Mark.
Taiha: One of you IS going tonight.
Taiha: So Mark. Let's see how you did.
Mark: Ok.
Taiha: Ooooh. Tension-y.
Taiha: I'm sorry Mark. You have been eliminated!
Dean: WHAT?!
Taiha: How do you feel?
Mark: Uh. Gutted!
Mandi: Holy Hell!
Aaron: Dang.
* * *
Taiha: Well Mark. It was fun while it lasted.
Taiha: You may have had a short trip...
...But let's not feel bad about it!
You did pretty well!
What would you have done differently?
Mark: Probably would've let Dean think it was me. So that he went home.
Taiha: Well Mark. It was fun having you. I wish you luck in the future.
Mark: Thank you Taiha.
Mark: 1st Victim
* * *
Taiha: And that concludes our first elimination this season!
Taiha: Stay Tuned for next episode. Where the contestants compete in the most fast paced challenge yet!
* * *
Wow Skelda.
Last seasons (tied) winner! You did so well last season. But apparently it didn't go well this season :(
You tried at least. But sadly. You weren't right.
Its always the hardest to go first.
Make sure you stay around and watch this season unfold. :P Hehe.
Though I will ask you to do ONE thing for me.
Once you see this.
Let me know.
I have a super secret job for you ;)
* * *
Winners Kitty: $9,000
Moles Kitty: $6,000
Ali and Ava
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