Episode 3: Nowhere to Hide
Everett: You know, it's nice to be able to sit by the pool on a warm day. Really helps you relax after this morning's tense ceremony.
Madelon: Hear hear! It's nice to just take a little break from thinking, if I'm honest.
Madelon: Though, funnily enough that gets me thinking...
Nicky: Ugh, don't remind me. I haven't STOPPED thinking. I'll be up all night, and this time not the good kind. I've really been stressing over who was meant to go home.
Everett: It was me, probably!
Nicky: No way, Jose! It was definitely probably me.
Everett: I mean, you can fight me on that, but I would still say it was meant to be me.
Nicky: You're silly... It was clearly me.
Madelon: Wait, both of you are wrong! It was me... No, wait, I don't want it to be me at all! Why would I even suggest that?
Nicky: Haha! Fell right into the trap!
Everett: Either way, we're all still here! We fight another day!
Madelon: Though, whoever it was has truly got me curious. It's crazy to think one of us was meant to go home, but they survived. I don't know if Taiha will be that generous again.
Nicky: I wonder if it wasn't Taiha that organised it, perhaps it was the work of The Mole.
Everett: We could take bets on who we think should have gone home! You know, just for fun!
Madelon: We've each got a one in six shot, why not!
Nicky: My money would be on Glen. He's a soccer coach, and wise beyond his years, but I'm thinking it's been a while since he took an exam. Maybe he didn't do so good!
Madelon: Hmmm, maybe... But then again he is a smart cookie! He might have aced it for all we know.
Everett: My, uh, money is 100% on... on... NICKY!
Nicky: Wait, what?!
Everett: Hear me out, I've got the perfect reasoning.
Nicky: You can't possibly think it was me!
Everett: My NaMe'S NiCkY aNd I sTaYeD uP aLl NiGhT pArTyInG aNd DiDn'T sTuDy FoR tHe TeSt!
Nicky: Haha! Hey! It's true but it doesn't mean anything!
Everett: If it's true, then I've got good reasoning!
Nicky: You're cute... In a silly idiot sort of way.
Hayden: Yo, Lawrence! Having fun swimming by yourself? Looks pretty relaxing, but after the rush of surviving that elimination ceremony, I'm pumped and looking for a new challenge. Wanna race across the pool?
Hayden: Oh, riiight. Dude, can't hear me under the water...
Hayden: This game is interesting. I will catch the mole and I have a pretty good idea already who it is. Things happened during the Chinese whisper game that got my cogs turning. Some questions got changed, and one of them was counted wrong. My suspicions fall on the people who did that, and since I got a green screen, I'm pretty sure that I'm on the right track. I may need to find someone to form an alliance with to get some extra information. Perhaps someone that no one would expect to see me with...
Glen: What do you think, Angelica? Do you think my choice was the right one. It was the selfish one, surely, but was it the smart choice? Had I seen my screen, we'd have extra money and I'd know if I'm on the right trail.
Angelica: I understand both sides. I'm glad my gamble paid off.
Glen: Was it wrong of me to play it safe? Does it put me at a disadvantage? I'll never know if my choice was right or just easy.
Angelica: How about this quote then to help you? Life isn't about making the right choice, it's about making A choice and then making it right.
Glen: I like that concept.
Angelica: Well, I'd say you've made the right choice. You're here, after all. So it must be right, even if you didn't get the lowest score.
Glen: Look at me, the old coach getting coached. Can't believe I'm so nervous over a silly game! You're right, I am here and I never play to lose, so regardless of my decision, I'm gonna power through.
Tina: Ho. Lee. 💩. My heart was absolutely pounding! I haven't felt this nervous since I met Dave himself at last year's charity 5k! But it's fine. It's all fine. *takes a deep breath* Calm.
Tina: Cheer up, grumpy gills! We can't know everything that goes on in this game.
Sharon: I know, but I almost regret not knowing if I'm on the right suspect or not.
Tina: Hey! I made it through my screen, but it's only early days, it could be entirely luck.
Sharon: I guess you're right. It is mostly luck at the start. As if, The Mole isn't playing a long game.
Tina: Good girl! Now drink! It'll help take your mind off whether you were meant to go home or not!
Sharon: Ultimately, I don't even feel like it was my time to go. Policewoman's intuition. I'm actually quite confident that I was meant to stay today. I just didn't want to gamble with luck, you know?
Tina: I get that. I felt like if it was my time to go, it was my time to go. I had to give it a go, and it's made me more confident.
Sharon: I have an idea who was meant to go home. There's someone I feel who's head just isn't in the game at the moment...
Tina: Psst...
Sharon: ... I feel like he's just distancing himself a little too much and...
Tina: ... Sharon...
Sharon: ... Carlos is standing right behind me, isn't he?...
Carlos: Jokes on you, sweetheart, I'm not even standing...
Sharon: I only meant it in a concerned way!
Carlos: Don't sweat over it. I'll just be here, keeping my distance from you all.
Sharon: Carlos, I wasn't trying to be negative. I just meant-...
Tina: Pfffhahaha! You've dug yourself a little bit of a hole here, Sharon!
Sharon: Hey, don't laugh! Bet you didn't even realise who was standing behind YOU!
Tina: Whaaaaa?
Taiha: Hello, my kittens! It's time to round up the ol' gang. We've got a challenge this afternoon. Spread the word and meet me at the ceremony spot!
Sharon: Whew, we all survived. This is both good and bad. Good because it gives me a bit of extra time and I might have just saved myself from Elimination, but it kinda sucks too because now we are still 10. I've took my time to get to know all the others, and while I think everybody is nice-ish so far, I definitely get along better with the Boys, what a surprise. Madelon seems to be in their own world, and Tina and Angelica seem nice but tend to be more focused with talking to each other than anything else, at least from my experience. Nicky is probably the only Girl I really talk to so far, which might be because she seems like an extreme version of me, she is loads of fun to be around. As for the guys, the only ones who confuse me are 'The Coach' and Lawrence. They are both nice and all, but Lawrence seems so chill. Normally I don't mind that, but maybe he is a bit too chill. As for Coach, I wouldn't be sharing a room with him if he wasn't a nice guy, but I still doubt that he is a Football Coach. Maybe living with him give me a bit more insight. Hayden is a very nice guy, and I'm getting warm to Carlos. Normally I would think he is just a plain macho, but honestly I think there is more to him and he doesn't wanna open up yet. Everett is probably my favourite Person here so far though. He is a very nice guy and I probably talked the most to him out of everybody. I dunno, he kinda reminds me of Dustin personality wise, a bit shy, but still very nice and genuine. And he is also quite good looking, but don't tell him I said that, kay? This ain't a Dating Show.
Everett: So, what do you think Coach? Think it's the REAL elimination this time?
Glen: Can't be sure, but I'd hate to sit through two ceremonies within a few hours.
Tina: I don't think my heart can take it!
Hayden: Well, I survived one elimination, I think I could survive a second.
Nicky: I hope there's another twist to skip it, if I'm honest.
Angelica: Cheer up everyone! This isn't an elimination! We're due for a challenge today, remember?
Sharon: She's heeeeereeeee...
Everett: Ominous.
Taiha: Hello contestants! Nice of you all to gather up at the elimination spot so quickly!
Madelon: Taiha not smiling is not a good sign... I think we were faked out and it's time for the real quiz.
Glen: I don't trust the look on her face either. Getting bad news vibes. Trust me, I'm a good judge of character.
Tina: Ugh, my heart! I really can't take the unknown like this!
Carlos: You guys worry too much. Clearly our lovely host is here to start our next challenge. Eliminations only come between challenges, don't you know.
Lawrence: Chyeah, dude's right. The format won't change so soon. What are we, episode three? It's challenge time. Chill, bruh.
Taiha: Carlos and Lawrence are right. Y'all are just a bunch of scaredy cats! It's only challenge time my kittens! Didn't I spread the word that it was challenge time? Guess you guys aren't the best at Chinese Whispers! Hehe!
Taiha: Today's challenge might resemble another game some of you might have played as children! It's a game of good old fashioned Hide and Seek!
Taiha: In your bedrooms, each of you will find an envelope containing a secret amount of money. Anywhere from $50 to $2,500! Do NOT open the envelopes OR that money will go straight into the pocket of The Mole!
Taiha: Your job over the course of this afternoon, is to hide your envelope somewhere within the motel compound! There are a few rules, and you'll find them with your envelope!
Taiha: Once the sun goes down, and all you kittens get to sleep, The Mole will have the opportunity to search the grounds for the envelopes. Any envelope that isn't found by The Mole by morning will be added to the group kitty!
Taiha: This challenge is worth a total of $7,500... Oh, and the amount each of you are worth has been assigned by our lovely little Mole. So if they think you're worth the top $2,500... You have them to thank!
Taiha: Good luck with hiding your money, my kittens. I'd keep your envelopes and their hiding places to yourself!... You never know when The Mole is watching you...
Hayden: Another child's game? What kind of show is this. What happened to tightrope walking or paintball?
Lawrence: It does feel a little lacklustre, but hey, it might end up for a chill afternoon, ya know?
Hayden: Yeah, well I'd watch your back, bro. Can't trust anyone out there.
Hayden: Wait, where's the envelopes? They aren't hidden in the rooms, are they?... If we have to look for them, might as well just leave them where they are.
Lawrence: Found it! It's not exactly hidden. Got a good feeling you aren't The Mole, though, if you can't find this.
Hayden: Trust no one, my friend. Trust no one.
Lawrence: Oh, and it seems the bedrooms are out of bounds for hiding places. Guess it stops The Mole from sneaking in during the night or when you're in the shower.
Hayden: Found my envelope in the bathroom. Let's see here. No hiding in contestant's bedrooms. No opening the envelope. No destroying the envelope... Dude this is limiting for all the fun stuff!
Sharon: Hmm... There's bound to be some places we can hide that are within these rules. What do you think, Glen? Got any neat ideas?
Glen: A couple.
Glen: I've got a few clever ideas, but I think it's best to keep our smart ideas to ourselves. If The Mole catches wind of our hiding place, it's a guaranteed find.
Sharon: Good point. I guess I'll just play it by ear.
Everett: ... I think that's against the rules, Carlos. It says you're uh, not allowed to keep it in your possession!
Carlos: And what if it isn't in MY possession? Say I want to give my envelope to someone else.
Everett: Hmm. It's uh, probably not wise even if it's in the rules.
Carlos: And why is that? I hand it to the person I think is The Mole, and if it turns out the money is lost, then I know who The Mole is.
Everett: Good play, butttttt... I don't think it's in the cards. Sorry!
Carlos: Well, I'll think of something else.
Tina: Do you think people are going to share ideas to each other? This is a team game, right? If we don't cooperate, will we guarantee The Mole will find our envelopes?
Madelon: I think in this challenge, subtly and secrets are the best option.
Madelon: Say everyone worked together. The Mole will know EVERYONE'S hiding places. If we don't tell anyone, The Mole can't possibly know!
Tina: I guess that makes sense. I just wish we could do some teamwork and get a good result.
Angelica: I used to love playing Hide and Seek with my childhood with my younger siblings. Let me tell you, young children are NEVER good at hiding.
Nicky: Pffft! Speak for yourself! I once hid so well, I think my parents were going to put out a missing person's report.
Nicky: Now that I think about it... That was totally irresponsibly of me. Crap.
Angelica: That's so strange... I literally had the same experience with my sister Cheri when she was about 9! We couldn't find her... She's a sneaky one. I miss her though.
Nicky: Let's go explore for hiding spots in her honour!
Tina: So, as far as challenges go, this seems really relaxed. I can't imagine anyone being super tense over this one. Not like being locked up in a cage and shouting at one another!
Madelon: You'd be surprised though! People are going to be watching their backs and scared The Mole might catch them.
Madelon: The paranoia is going to be sinking in really quickly, especially the more peoples start to watch each other.
Tina: People watching sure is fun! Do you ever just sit at a cafe or somewhere and just look out into the world and imagine what people are doing or what their stories are? I often imagine the possibilities!
Madelon: Speaking of people watching... Where do you think HE'S going?
Tina: Who?
Madelon: Carlos. What do you think he's thinking right now? He's so chipper.
Tina: Ooooh! Maybe I'll go ask him. I love to get my beak into other people's business.
Carlos: Hey there. Lucy, right?
Lucy: Oh! It's you! Hi!
Carlos: I guess I came at a nice time. May I ask if you are too busy for a quick word?
Lucy: For you? You're never too hot! I mean never too busy!!!... I mean, oh god...
Carlos: I wouldn't want to impose on your job. I'm sure it's quite a burden being the only hard worker around here.
Lucy: It is!.. Wait, please don't tell my boss I said that. She'll skin me alive!
Carlos: Your secret is safe with me, senorita.
Lucy: What was it that you wanted to have a word about?
Carlos: I need your help with something regarding the show that we're filming here. If you'll help me, that is.
Lucy: Oh, of course! What did you need help with? I'm here to help! That's me, your little helper!
Carlos: I'm honoured, Lucy. Now, I need you to hold onto something for me, but you can't tell anyone about it nor show it to any of the other guests.
Bartender: This better not be anything illegal, bud.
Carlos: It has to do with the game, my... friends, and I are playing.
Bartender: Riiiiight. Leave the poor girl alone, would ya?
Lucy: It's okay, Dirk! Carlos is a lovely guy. He's not bothering me at all! What did you need, hun?
Carlos: I promise you it is nothing illegal, but it does sound a bit questionable, I'll admit it.
Carlos: Here, I need you to take this envelope. Don't let it leave your person. There is a high chance someone will come looking for it, but pretend you don't even know there are envelopes around.
Lucy: Hehe! Okay!
Hayden: I could attach the envelope to the underside of one of these big leaves, or nestle it amongst the roots. I'm sure The Mole can't search every inch of garden, right? Who has that kind of time?
Hayden: How is The Mole even going to get out of their bed without their roommate knowing. It doesn't sound like it's gonna work. This probably is one sneaky ass mole.
Hayden: Speaking of sneaky... Looks like Sharon's got the same idea as me.
Hayden: *mutters to self* What exactly is your plan here? I wonder why she's so out in the open... Maybe she's baiting me to test if I'm The Mole. Clever girl.
Sharon: Gardens are great places to hide. As an officer, I've actually had first hand experience with some pretty crazy stories about hidden contraband. They're always under the dirt, I just gotta find the right patch.
Sharon: And I think-... Hmm... That garden looks like it's been maintained by the compound. I wonder if The Mole would be clever enough to even consider across the road as a valid hiding place. Sharon, you're onto a winner.
Hayden: Across the road... Hmph. She's much smarter than she lets on, that Sharon...
Hayden: ...But not smart enough to look over her shoulder. Not a smart move if there's a mole about.
Madelon: ... So for me, cooking has always been a big aspect of my life. I would love to transition into a chef role, but I'm going to do a bit more culinary study before I get stuck into it.
Tina: That's amazing! You'll have to cook for everyone someday soon. We'll have a banquet! Just imagine the conversations we'll have over some delicious meals.
Madelon: Let me ask you a question, instead of you grilling me. Pardon the pun.
Tina: Grilling?! No way gurl! I'm just interested in getting to know all there is to know. I like to hear these things. Ask away, anyway.
Madelon: What about your hat. There must be a story there! You're always wearing it.
Tina: ... Oh my goddddd!!! We're doing a challenge I totally forgot! Let's change the subj-... I mean, let's go do the challenge! Haha.
Madelon: Okay, now I'm curious! I must know! There's a great story behind this I'm sure!
Tina: I know exactly where I'll hide my envelope! I gotta go put it there before I forget or get distracted by conversation!
Tina: Talk to you later, Madelon, byeeeeeeeeee!
Madelon: Okay okay. I get it! We're roomies though, and don't think you'll get a wink of sleep without me knowing that story, missy!
Tina: Fineeeeee. It's not even that impressive a story, but I do really have to go hide my envelope.
Madelon: Good luck! I guess I should go find a place too soon.
Madelon: Speaking of, I do have a fantastic idea... I hope.
Taiha: Hiya Madelon! Need the kitty litter?
Madelon: Uhhh.... No, thank you.
Taiha: I meant the bathroom.
Madelon: Yes... I have a plan!
Taiha: A plan... for the bathroom?
Madelon: For the challenge, actually. I think I've got a really clever spot!
Taiha: Intriguing! Good luck!
Madelon: Thanks, Taiha!
Madelon: So... This is the female bathroom. The rules say nothing about bathrooms being out of bounds... SO!
Madelon: If I put my envelope in here, and The Mole is a male, they'll never come snooping around the female bathrooms! The social etiquette means this envelope will be safe from the boys.
Madelon: That leaves only the females to worry about this spot. If my envelope suddenly goes missing. Logically, The Mole MUST be a female... Right?
Nicky: So, I know a few people have been sneaking about today, but there's only one logical place for my envelope... THE BAR!!!... Oops. I shouldn't say it so loudly.
Nicky: Hey there, barkeep! Remember me?!
Bartender: Nope. Can't say I do.
Nicky: Really? I was the one knocking on the window, looking for the real party.
Bartender: Must've been a busy night. Can't recall your face, sorry.
Nicky: I'm the only person with blue hair here. I'm not subtle.
Bartender: Fine. I do remember you. You're the one who kept insisting I take your number and I was the one who kept insisting the bar was closed for the night and that I needed to clean up and get to bed!
Nicky: What bar closes BEFORE 1am?! Besides, the real parties are the ones that never end.
Bartender: Are you going to order a drink or are you wasting my time?
Nicky: Tell me something, has anyone come by and asked to put an envelope behind your bar?
Bartender: Not behind the bar, no.
Nicky: Good. I would like you to hide this envelope behind there somewhere. Someplace no one will find it.
Bartender: I swear to god, if it has your number on it, I don't want it.
Nicky: It doesn't, I promise!... Unless?
Bartender: No.
Bartender: Now, are you going to order a drink or...?
Nicky: Pfft. Course I am! I'm not a savage!
Angelica: Hey Tina! How is the challenge going for you?
Tina: Uh oh. Dang it. I just forgot my brilliant hiding place. Madelon was right... Wait, no I said that.
Angelica: Not going well I presume?
Tina: I thought I had a brilliant spot but got caught up talking to Madelon and now I've forgotten it for a second time. It'll come back to me, I'm sure. Wanna sit down and talk for a bit?
Angelica: We can look around and talk, if you'd like! I'd rather look for a hiding spot before the afternoon is all run out.
Tina: Great point. I had a talk with Madelon earlier...
Angelica: You sure do a lot of talking, Tina! Haha.
Tina: I do more listening, I swear! We were discussing whether or not it was a good idea to work together as a group for this challenge. Ultimately she convinced me it wasn't.
Tina: Are you sure I can trust you, if we go walk and look for spots together?
Angelica: You can trust me 110%, Tina!
Tina: Hmmm. Normally I don't trust people who say "trust me", but because it's you, maybe we'll at least walk and talk. We don't have to hide anything together, anyway... Any ideas on good hiding places, though?
Angelica: Well, I've already exhausted all the spots around the pool area. They all seem too open and obvious. Plus, I think everyone has at least walked passed me once today.
Tina: Weird, I haven't noticed anyone go passed yet. Well, except Carlos and Madelon, of course.
Tina: Did you know Madelon is really into cooking! She said she'd offer to help in the kitchen, if they'd let her cater for us all.
Angelica: Aww, that's so sweet of her. She's not even asking for pay, if they do?
Tina: Nope! She just wants to give everyone good food. Isn't she a gem!
Angelica: I'm really liking this group we have, so far. Everyone seems to nice. Honestly, I'm glad we all stayed.
Tina: Me too! I wanna know more about everyone. I'm keen to have a good social gathering and just have some ice-breaker talky-talks, you know? Maybe a nice meal, a few drinks. A song, perhaps?
Angelica: I'd be all for that!
Angelica: It'll be good for the group too. Might help us all work together a bit more, the more we gel and get to know one another.
Tina: I'll say! I think it's the best idea we could have.
Angelica: Speaking of ideas, I have a really good one.
Angelica: Hi there!
Lady: Hello?
Angelica: You don't know us, but may we ask something of you?
Lady: Sure, what is it?
Angelica: Well, we're doing a little game today and we're trying to hide some envelopes around the motel, in the hopes that no one will find them. A bit like a game of hide and seek. You know, the game the children play, where they hide around the place hoping whoever is "it" won't find them!
Lady: Of course, I have two children of my own, sweetie. I'll hold onto your envelopes for you, if that's what you're asking.
Angelica: You will?!
Lady: Of course! Who exactly is "it", in case someone comes looking?
Angelica: That's the thing. We don't actually know who is...
Tina: We're on a show called Mini Mole and-...
Lady: Mini Mole?! Say no more! My husband and I love that show! We'll be more than happy to help.
Angelica: Here, take this and don't let a single soul take it from you! No matter what! It'll mean the world to us.
Lady: Understood, dear.
Gentleman: Your secret is safe with us!
Angelica: Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Tina: Thank you so much guys! That's awesome! Oh, where are our manners! My name is Tina by the way! Nice to meet you both!
Hayden: Well, that's enough people watching for now. Best find a spot for this bad boy...
Hayden: Sup dude. I've got a proposal for you.
Bartender: Well, I hope it ain't marriage, that's all I can say. I've seen far too many people looking to hook up today, I can't handle any more.
Hayden: Yeah... No...
Hayden: Bit of a weird question, but has anyone asked you to hide an envelope for them?
Bartender: Can't be sure. That certainly is a weird question.
Hayden: Did a young blue-haired party girl tell you to avoid all questions about it?
Bartender: Once again, I can't be sure.
Hayden: What would you say to maybe giving me that envelope. You know, the one behind the bar?
Bartender: And what makes you so sure there even IS one behind the bar?
Hayden: Intuition... and the fact that you're talking about it like it exists.
Hayden: We're just playing a game. Surely your boss told you that we're filming a TV show here, right?
Bartender: I'm actually just contracted in from an independent company, so no, not really.
Hayden: Well, those envelopes are a part of a game we're playing.
Hayden: A game I'm going to win. I don't play games in half, bro. I go full force. So I need that envelope, if you please.
Bartender: I like your style, friend, but once again, how can you be so sure there's an envelope here?
Hayden: Okay, okay. True. I can't be sure. I don't have proof, really. Though, I would really appreciate you helping me getting the W, here.
Bartender: Alright, there is an envelope here, but as much as the blue girl makes me uncomfortable, I did say I wouldn't tell a soul.
Hayden: Well, I have the same envelope as her and technically we're on the same team. What if I swap it for the one she gave you? That way you still have an envelope.
Bartender: I don't really see what the idea is, if you're not just taking the envelope. My understanding is you lot are hiding them from each other.
Hayden: Not each other, not really. Just one person in particular. I'm just trying to cause some chaos so that I get the upper hand in this game, you know?
Bartender: Not at all... But here, take this and I'll take the replacement.
Hayden: Thank you. Honestly, you're helping me in this game more than you know. I've got game plans and I don't see myself losing. Not today.
Glen: C'mon Glen. You know how to play bloody hide and seek. You can find a place to hide your evidence... Evidence? Envelope. ... Might as well be a bloody elephant at this rate.
Glen: Speaking of elephants, who owns this monster? I doubt it's the old couple who always find time to sit by the pool... Nor the family upstairs in 201. Though, I've never been good at profiling people.
Glen: This must be where Taiha is staying, assuming she and the crew aren't staying off-site. She probably outright owns this trailer and goes on Mole tours with her cats, or something... Anyway, I wonder if its out of bounds for today's challenge.
Glen: Beh, probably for the best to not enter someone else's property... Breaking and entering is most definitely against the rules.
Glen: Everett, how are things progressing?
Everett: Oh, uh, hiya Coach! How are you doing?... Oh, you asked me a question. Uh, things are progressing well, I guess.
Everett: I think I've come up with a really cool idea that I don't know if The Mole could even dream of thinking up. I, uh, can't say it for safety concerns of course! But I've got a killer plan in mind.
Glen: A killer, you say. Well, I wish you all the best. This old boy hasn't a bloody clue what to do with his envelope, but I'm gonna try and outwit that dirty Mole.
Everett: Good luck, Glen!
Glen: I feel like Everett's a smart kid. I'm curious what his idea is, if I'm honest...
Glen: Now... Where would I put this envelope that's subtle enough to be overlooked... No! The opposite. Obvious enough to be overlooked.
Glen: Wherever my envelope ends up, it MUST be somewhere The Mole would disregard, just because they're too busy digging their mole holes and over-complicating a good ol' game of hide and seek.
Glen: There... That aught to do the trick! Under the couch, too simple to even BOTHER! No, The Mole is going to be searching through the restaurant cupboard contains and digging through gardens. They won't look here, no one will.
Glen: Glen, old boy, you've nailed this brief.
Everett: Awesome job, Coach! Keep up the pep talk!
Glen: ****.
Glen: How much did you hear?
Everett: Uhhh... "You've nailed the brief"?
Glen: Good. You don't know where my envelope might be hidden?
Everett: I mean I could make a guess but no, technically not.
Glen: Good boy.
Glen: Good luck with your part of the challenge!
Everett: That's not it under the couch is it, coach?
Glen: Bugger!
Everett: Your secret is safe with me.
Receptionist: Hello there, sir. How may I help you this afternoon?
Everett: I have a quick question about our rooms.
Receptionist: Of course, is there something wrong?
Everett: Oh, uh, not at all! Our stay is brilliant, actually. Much better than some of the places I've been.
Receptionist: That's wonderful to hear, sir.
Everett: For example there was this one youth hostel that I stayed at on my first real visit- Oh... Sorry, I was here to ask something!
Receptionist: How can I help?
Everett: Do you do mail to the rooms at all? Like if I sent something to a room, would you deliver it?
Receptionist: We usually only offer that service to those who are staying for an extended period of time, but yes, we definitely do.
Everett: I have no idea how long we're staying but do you think you could mail something for me?
Receptionist: To a room or in general?
Everett: To a specific room, if you would. Oh! And not in this envelope, I would like to put it in a box, if you could!
Receptionist: Uhhh... Sure.
Everett: I know it's really strange, but I want to keep the envelope a secret from the recipient, if that's uh, okay with you!
Receptionist: Certainly, sir. I'll sort that right out for you.
Receptionist: Will this do? It's not exactly the best box, but it should suffice if it just needs to get to someone's room tomorrow morning.
Everett: It's perfect! Thank you!
Receptionist: And to which room would you like it delivered?
Everett: Room 204, please!
Receptionist: Room 204, of course, sir... That's a Mr Escalante and a Mr Cameron, yes?
Everett: Yup!
Receptionist: And the name of the sender?
Everett: Put uhh... Everett... Coach... glen.
Receptionist: Certainly, Mr Coachglen. It'll be there tomorrow morning for them.
Everett: Perfect!
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...
*Lawrence snores*
Lawrence: Huh? What?... Hello?... Aww crap.
Lawrence: Awww CRAP!!! I fell asleep?! Man, what the hell... Sounds just like me to leave things to the last minute.
Lawrence: Where the hell am I gonna hide this thing? My only idea was to put it between the pages of a book, but this place has none! Not even magazines, bro! What even?
Lawrence: Looks like everyone's off partying... Don't tell me I'm the last one to hide this thing. Crap.
Lawrence: People are gonna start to think I don't care or somethin... I'm just enjoying my gap year, kay? Chill bros... I got this game covered anyway. I've got Hayden on my side, and we're tight af.
Lawrence: Now, where would I hide a small slip of paper? Probably the same places my buddies back in college hid the weed?... Wait, that wasn't hidden at all, what am I thinking?
Lawrence: Sup, Skele-bro! How's it going, my friend?
Lawrence: Yeah, same, bro, same.
Lawrence: You know. my dad always wanted me to study physiology and stuff... But I always preferred the books rather than the body, ya know?... Nah, what would you know, Skele-bro. You're a bonehead if ever I saw one. Haha.
Lawrence: Why am I even talking to an object like this? I gotta hide this envelope before the deadline or I'm gonna be in some deep ****.
Lawrence: Actually, I think this is the best place for that. Where's the last place anyone in this game wants to be? BOOM! Doing the quizzzzz... Obviously, the last place anyone will look is the quiz computer, ya know?
Lawrence: There! No one is gonna find this, bro! No one!
Lawrence: You're a genius, Lawrence. An absolute legend!
Lawrence: ... Though I really should stop procrastinating with these sorts of things...
*someone slides an envelope under the door*
Lawrence: Uhh... What's that? Hello?!
*Later that night*
Taiha: The contestants are all asleep, blissfully unaware that one of them is about to steal money right from under their noses...
Taiha: Tonight, The Mole will be up and about, playing dirty and looking for envelopes...
???: It's quiet... Very quiet... Good...
???: The less people around... The better for me...
???: I've never had to be this sneaky, but tonight is something else...
???: This is the place... A good hiding spot... These people won't know what hit them...
???: Is this the right room...?
*??? quietly opens the door*
???: Hello? Who are YOU?
???: Hello.... Lucy.
Lucy: This is the scariest thing a customer has ever asked me to do.
???: Did anyone see you coming, Lucy?
Lucy: No, I don't think anyone did... Who are you? I don't recognise you under that get-up.
???: I am The Mole, Lucy. You know who I am.
The Mole: Do you have what I asked?
Lucy: These envelopes were exactly where you said they would be. I did my best with the job you gave me.
The Mole: Good. How many envelopes did you manage to collect in total?
Lucy: Three...
The Mole: You have served me well, Lucy. The Mole thanks you for your service.
Lucy: Thank you, Mole!... Shall I, see you tomorrow?
The Mole: At breakfast.
The Mole: But remember, The Mole sees all... But you, Lucy, saw nothing...
Lucy: Of course.
*The Next Morning*
Lucy: This one dirty, Dirk?
Bartender: Yup, please take it away from my area.
Lucy: Sheesh, fine.
Glen: So what your saying is Lawrence is The Mole because "you heard a bump in the night". Sounds like you need a nightlight.
Hayden: I guarantee you that Lawrence got up in the night!
Sharon: I could say the same for ol' Coach here!
Taiha: Good morning, my kittens! How are we all feeling tonight? Did we get some restful sleep or did we sleep with one eye open? Hehe!
Taiha: Yesterday, you all hid your money envelopes around the motel compound, but last night The Mole was hard at work digging them up and finding them.
Taiha: Last night, The Mole successfully found THREE money envelopes. Which means SEVEN envelopes remained unfound.
Taiha: As you know, The Mole assigned each of you a different money value ranging from $50 to $2,500. It's time to see who earned what money...
Madelon: Oh boy...
Lawrence: I'm nervous AF, dudes...
Taiha: We'll start with what money you successful hid from The Mole... First up, the lowest amount of money! $50 was successfully hidden by...
Taiha: Tina! $50 to the group kitty.
Tina: $50?! Only fifty... Really?! That's how much I'm worth to The Mole?! Bah!
Taiha: Apparently so... Next up, with a successful $100...
Taiha: Lawrence!
Lawrence: $100... Ain't bad but I wish it were more.
Taiha: That's a total of $150... Up next with $350 for the group...
Taiha: Angelica!
Angelica: I don't know how I feel about it not being more money. Maybe The Mole thinks I would do too good? Is it a compliment?
Taiha: The total is now $500 for the group... With an extra $400 by...
Taiha: Sharon! Well done.
Sharon: $400 isn't bad. I'll be happy to say I got some money safely in. I was secretly hoping I was the $2,500.
Taiha: Group total is now $900... Up next, $600 added to the kitty by...
Taiha: Miss Nicky!
Nicky: Hey! $600 is pretty neat! I'm really happy that worked out!
Taiha: Congratulations. That means we're at $1,500 for the group so far! Up next, adding a huge $1,000 to the kitty is...
Taiha: Coach Glen! Well done!
Glen: Hmmf... $1000 added feels pretty damn good. Guess The Mole didn't expect this old boy to be smart when it comes to Hide and Seek, eh!
Taiha: $2,500 added to the pot with the final amount of $1,500 coming from...
Taiha: Everett, with his super smart mail the envelope to yourself trick!
Everett: I thought it was genius AND it added $1500! Ha! In your face Moley Mole!
Taiha: That means the grand total added to the kitty today is $4,000. Which is a really great effort between you all! Sadly, the three envelopes that were found were...
Taiha: $250 from Hayden, hidden behind the bar.
Hayden: Dang... What the heck... Glad it was only a low amount though.
Taiha: $750 from Madelon, who inconveniently left hers in the ladies' bathroom.
Madelon: Interesting... Very interesting...
Carlos: No... Don't tell me.
Taiha: Yes. Added to The Mole's kitty was the high scorer of this challenge. $2,500 was hidden by Carlos, by giving it to the maid to protect.
Carlos: So, she betrayed our confidence then? I'm furious!!!
Taiha: $250... $750... $2500... That means the grand total added to The Mole's Kitty is $3,500. Slightly less than was added to the group's kitty! A success if ever I saw one. Well done everyone!
Taiha: You have the rest of today off to do as you please, but tonight will be the next quiz and elimination...
Taiha: ... And there will be no twist to save ONE of you tonight. Have fun contestants, and good luck. You'll need it.
2. $1500 - Everett
3. $1000 - Glen
5. $600 - Nicky
6. $400 - Sharon
7. $350 - Angelica
9. $100 - Lawrence
10. $50 - Tina
Players Kitty - $9,500
Moles Kitty - $8,000
Angelica Rivers by @Alleenmens
Carlos Escalante by @kittymeow
Everett Cameron by @Tigerblu11
Glen Harrison by @twiddle3
Hayden Clay by @Shadami
Lawrence Lee by @icmnfrsh
Madelon Deblanche by @M13Vulpecula
Nicky St Clair by @ninjakid150
Sharon George by @YJB19299
Tina Woods by @lillibattenberg
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