Friday 8 January 2021

Mini Mole: Season 3: Episode 7 - Never Trust A Mole

Episode 7: Never Trust A Mole


Angelica: Excuse me, ma'am. Is this the address written down here... 482 Burke Street? The cab driver said I'd arrived, but this doesn't look like a hotel.

Angelica: When Taiha said to pack our bags, I don't think this is what she had in mind... Am I in the right place?
???: You are indeed, expected, Dear.
Angelica: Expected? Is this a hotel? it looks more like a prison...

???: This is the Bungalow Heights State Penitentiary. I am Head Warden of this establishment.
Angelica: Then I am in the wrong place. Sorry for wasting your time.
Warden: No, you ARE expected, Dear... Angelica Rivers, yes?

Angelica: How do you know my name?
Warden: My dear, I know everything about you.
Angelica: Riiiight... Is this part of a challenge? Taiha said we weren't having one until tomorrow.
Warden: Please follow me, Dear.

Angelica: This is Mini Mole, related... Right? We're here for a challenge?
Warden: Heavens NO, My Dear. You're going to jail for the crimes you've committed. I thought you knew that. 
Angelica: Crimes?! What the heck are you talking about?! I haven't committed any crimes!
Warden: That's the glory of the system. You HAVE committed a crime and you'll pay the time. That's why you're here.
Angelica: I really haven't... You've got me mistaken for someone else, surely. I've never done anything wrong in MY LIFE! 

Warden: That's not my judgement call. The panel of overseers are going to be reviewing your case, and only then will the decide whether or not you'll be convicted... Enjoy your time, my Dear. Ta-ta!

Angelica: This is a joke right? Hello!? Did you just lock the door behind me?! You B****!? I've literally done nothing. Why won't you believe-...
???: AHEM!
Angelica: -me...?

Officer: Hi there.  Checking in?
Angelica: No. I'm just leaving, actually.
Officer: I'm not authorised to make that call. What's your name so I can sign you in?
Angelica: Angelica Rivers.
Officer: Right, Miss Rivers. Would you care to follow me?

Angelica: I'm really scared...
Officer: Don't fret, Miss Rivers. After a quick detour, you'll be face to face with our panel of overseers and they will handle everything from there.

Angelica: Will it prove my innocence?!
Officer: Only you can prove your innocence, Miss Rivers.
Angelica: Riiiight...
Officer: They're fair judges. They're just here to get to the bottom of things.
Angelica: Them and me both, sister.

Officer: Until you meet face to face with the Overseers. You'd best remember everything you've done from the moment you walked in through the gates with the Warden.
Angelica: O-okay... If it's anything like song lyrics or poems, I'm sure I can recite what I've seen to them...

Officer: Good. Best to get every fact correct. If you lie to them, they might just catch you out and you're done for. If you tell them the truth, and they think you're telling the truth, it might just confirm that you're guilty. It'd be best to aim for somewhere in the middle...
Angelica: What the heck are you talking about?

Angelica:... And why are we stopped?
Officer: Detour, remember.
Angelica: Oh, right.
Officer: Head through those doors, and once you feel you've seen enough, come back to me and I'll let you into the Overseer's Office.

Angelica: Well... Here goes nothing...


Tina: Hiya! This is the State Penitentiary, right? I'm looking for a hotel. Apparently located at 482 Burke Street. Do you happen to know where that is?

Warden: This IS 482 Burke Street.
Tina: Oh! Is this the hotel?... It sure looks different from what I was expecting.
Warden: This IS Bungalow Heights State Penitentiary... It is NOT a hotel, My Dear.

Tina: Ohhhhhh! It's a THEMED hotel! I love it! I've always loved going out with friends to those themed restaurants! You know the ones where the waitresses all talk smack to you, but you don't care cause you came for the experience! That's what I expect from this. It's probably because Taiha has some fun activities planned here! I'm excited!
Warden: Really... I couldn't tell...

Warden: Please, follow me, Tina Woods.
Tina: Ooooh, you know my name! You're so in character! I love it!... Can we grab a drink, later?
Warden: No, I would think not.


Angelica: Well, that was... Riveting... 
Officer: Everything all set? How is your memory?
Angelica: As good as it will ever be, I guess.

Officer: Are you ready to sit in with the Overseers?
Angelica: Not exactly... Let me get this straight. I can't lie to them or they'll catch me... But I can't let them know I'm telling the truth either because they'll think I'm guilty of a crime I didn't commit. So you expect me to tell the truth unconvincingly or lie to their face enough that they think its true?!

Officer: Exactly! You're gonna do just great! Now head on through those doors and meet with the Overseers! Best not to keep them waiting... They've got a lot of wisdom between them and you best be on your toes!

Officer: Good luck, Miss Rivers.
Angelica: Gee... Thanks...

Angelica: H-he-... Hello?...

Angelica: I... Wow... I-wasn't expecting this sort of... Audience.

Angelica: It's a pl-pleasure to meet you all. I'm Angelica, but I think you-... I think you already knew that. Wow, look at me. Lost for words for the first time in my entire career.
???: Hello, Angelica.
Angelica: Hi! Omg! You know my name...

???: Please take a seat.
Angelica: Right! Of course, I would be honoured to take a seat.

Angelica: So.... Am I... Am I doing a challenge or-?
???: We're going to be asking you a few questions.
Angelica: Alright. I will do my best to answer them.
???: I believe Officer Miles gave you a rundown of what will be happening here today.
Angelica: Y-yes... Kind of... No.

???: We're going to ask a few questions about what you've seen since you entered the jail.
Angelica: Alright! Fire away! I'm ready!
???: Good. First question. When you entered into the penitentiary, how many people were you met by?
Angelica: Two... The Warden and The Officer.

???: Okay! Officer Miles made you take a detour. We know this. Did you enter a room?
Angelica: I did. It was a smaller room than this one was.
???: Did you see anything in this room?

Angelica: You mean... Apart from the floors and walls?
???: Yep! Apart from those!
Angelica: Well... I noticed uh.... A few things that I felt didn't really belong in a State Prison.
???: What were those things?

Angelica: They were... Wow. I just. Sorry, can I just take a second and say how delighted I am to be here.
???: Aww! You're sweet.
???: Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere, Angelica.

Angelica: Right... Sorry... What was the question again? What I did when I came out of the room?
???: What objects did you see in the room?
Angelica: Oh... Right. I saw a lot of stuffed animals.

???: Were they big? Small? Different sizes?
Angelica: Different sizes, all of them. The whole room was filled with stuffed animals.
???: They were all different animals?
Angelica: Some were the same animals, just a different type and uhh... Colours and softness and what have you...

???: Were there any animals in that room that stood out for you?
Angelica: Uhh... Not at first, but then after a while I noticed something move and one of the stuffed animals was actually a REAL LIVE CAT!!!
???: Interesting...

???: No way! I love that... If it's true, of course.
Angelica: Every word of it. When I walked in, I was taken aback by the stuffed animals, but then... Out of nowhere. BAM! A cat emerged from the pile! It was probably the softest animal in the room... I sadly didn't get to touch it.
???: What colour was the cat?

Angelica: Oh, who cares! I just can't believe that I'm actually here and talking to...



(Alex Pierce / Pacman - Mole Season 1)
Angelica: Pacman! The original Mini Mole! Are you for REAL?! This must be a fever dream or something!
Pacman: So, you know who we are?
Angelica: Of course I do! I used to watch the show with my sibling. I put it on while I made everyone dinner and oh, my, god.. Donovan would be spewing right now!



(Rob Walker - Mole Season 2)
Angelica: Oh! But not as much as Cheri, bless her soul, has a crush on the Mole of Season 2, Rob Walker! Eeeeeeee! We waited forever to get tickets to your show... We never got them, though.
Rob: They did get sold out pretty quickly after I was revealed as The Mole in Season 2, yes.




(Ali and Ava Thompson - Original Moles Season 2)
Ali: Hi! I'm Ali and this is Ava!
Angelica: I know exactly who you both are! You were The Moles on Season 2 until... Well, you know...
Ava: We were! Until Robbie stole the show from us!
Rob: I was a genuine contestant. I had nothing to do with being recast!
Ali: Excuse me, Angel... I wanna hear more about the cutie kitty, please! 

Angelica: Oh, right! Well.... It was a ginger cat. Super cute! It had big blue eyes and it had the cutest little nose!
Ali: Dawwwww! So cute! I believe her, no one can make that story up!
Pacman: I'm not convinced yet. What did the cat do when you opened up the door?
Angelica: Woke up from it's nap, I guess.

Rob: Did you do anything in the room?
Angelica: I just stood there and looked to see what was around.
Pacman: ... Yet the cat got up? I have a cat, and she won't move for anyone. I think this is a lie.
Rob: I agree. You didn't move any animals, so why would the cat move when it's covered by all sides in fluffy creatures.
Ava: We're calling this one a lie, Angelica... Sorry!



Angelica: I don't understand what's going on here... Why am I here, if I didn't do anything wrong...?

Angelica: This must be for a challenge... I best get to understanding what to do quickly or... Who knows.

Angelica: Or on second thoughts...




Angelica: ... This must be one big sick joke?


Pacman: Angelica. You've been caught out lying about your room. 
Rob: Please exit through the door to your right.
Angelica: It was lovely to meet all of you!
Ali: You too! Byyyyyeeeeee!

Ava: I really love her!
Ali: Oh my gosh! Me toooo! She looks so pretty!
Ava: Dawww! No YOU look so pretty!
Ali: Oh my gosh! No, YOU look so pretty!
Pacman: Did the producers really think there was a whole season of this?


Warden: Welcome, Lawrence Lee... Yes, this is 482 Burke Street... 
Lawrence: Chyeah, dude! How did you know I was gonna ask that?
Warden: You aren't the first person to ask today.
Lawrence: Am I in the right place?

Lawrence: This doesn't look like the hotel, Taiha said we'd be staying at...
Warden: That is because this ISN'T a hotel, Lawrence.
Lawrence: No kidding...
Warden: ... But it IS where you'll be staying.

Lawrence: Not a hotel, but we're staying here...?
Warden: There is no WE, Lawrence... Only YOU did the crime, and thus, only YOU will be staying.
Lawrence: Crime?! Dude, what are you talkin' about, bro? I've got a clean slate. I needed to have a clean record to get into the college I wanted. You can double check.
Warden: Oh, we've checked alright. Please follow me.


Tina: H-hello? ... Overseers? Am I in the right place? Officer Miles gave me directions to come in here.
Rob: Hello, Tina.
Tina: O-oh... Hi.
Rob: Please take a seat. We have a few questions.

Tina: Wait... No way! Are you guys the old moles?! Like from the show? Mini Moles? I recognise you from the previous seasons! This is crazy... How are you all? I have a bajillion questions!

Ali: We're great! How are you?
Tina: I'm shocked and amused! I have so many questions... So firstly, for the girls-...
Pacman: Sorry, Tina. We're the ones asking the questions today. Do you mind if you answer some questions for us?
Tina: Oh. Sure. That's a unique change. I guess... I'm used to asking all the questions, but I will try my darndest!

Rob: Firstly, how many people have you encountered since you arrived here today?
Tina: Two. Not including you four.
Rob: Who were they?
Tina: Officer Miles and The Warden.
Rob: Right.

Ava: Did the Officer guy take you to a room?
Tina: Yes.
Ali: I think she's telling the truth!
Ava: Ali shhhhhh... We haven't gotten to the point yet!
Ali: Oh. Right!... Oopsie.

Pacman: What was in that room that you entered?
Tina: Blank walls and a metal floor.
Pacman: How big was this room?
Tina: The room was about half the size of this one...
Ava: Just a blank wall and floor?
Tina: No.

Pacman: Was there anything else in that room?
Tina: Yes.
Pacman: Could you explain what else there was for us?
Tina: Yes.

Ali: I think she's only saying yes now... I used to do this a lot whenever I didn't want to answer something my mum was asking me!
Ava: No way! Me too!
Ali: No way! I totally did as well! That's so crazy!

Rob: What was in the room, Tina?
Tina: ... Yes.

Rob: Look. She's clearly not telling us what was in the room. Therefore, she's lying and we can just rule her out as lying. It's a win for us.

Pacman: That's not a bad strategy. Don't play the game, you can't possibly win. It's something I happen to know a lot about. I'd like to formally accuse Tina of-...
Tina: Wait... There was a sign.

Tina: There was a sign in the room... On a TV screen.
Ava: Oh? Like... A message for you?
Tina: Yes.

Rob: ... And that message was?
Tina: It uh... It was...

Tina: "For Those Who Tell The Truth..."

Ava: I don't get it...
Ali: Ugh. I though I was the only one!
Rob: Ladies, she hasn't finished yet...
Ava: Oh. Okay... Go on.

Tina: It said... "For Those That Tell The Truth... Exemption Will Find You"... It was in big letters on a big screen and I sat there until it completed... That was what was in there.

Ali: Ooooh... How mysterious! Exemption sounds fun. How do I get one of those?
Ava: Uh uh! Not going through this again. Do you remember what happened last time with exemptions and free passes and all that dumb-dumby stuff! Not again! No exemptions!

Pacman: So if you tell the truth, you get an exemption? That's the story you're pitching to us?
Tina: Maybe...
Pacman: For someone who will receive immunity for telling the truth, you sure as heck seemed reluctant to bring this forward to us. That's why I don't believe you. I think it's a trick.

Rob: From someone who knows tricks, being a magician and all, I know that the mind is something to be toyed with. I believe you're trying to double bluff us. I think your room was empty and that you're trying to make us think you have a motivation to tell the truth.
Ava: I'd like to accuse Tina of telling us a big fat lie! NO EXEMPTIONS!



Tina: Well, dang! This is the best themed hotel I've ever seen. I wonder if we'll each get our own little cell and have PTSD in the future about that weird night we spent in a prison!

Tina: ... Or maybe this is just a challenge and... Yeah... This is starting to feel like a challenge...





Tina: I mean, look at this set up! Big TV, just for me to look at. This has some secret Mini Mole challenge vibes to it... Unless of course this is the Prison Media Room!

Tina: On second thought, it might just be the media room... I wonder what's on the film list today!

Tina: "For Those That Tell The Truth..."... Hmm... Never heard of this film. Must be foreign.

Tina: "Exemption Will Find You"...

Tina: This IS a challenge... AND I can get an exemption! Pleeeeassssseeee! I don't think my heart can take one more elimination ceremony!


Tina: You guys were wrong. I think that means you've secured me a spot into the final 7!
Rob: Well, I'll be damned.
Ali: I didn't see it coming!

Pacman: Congratulations, Tina. You've bested us. Please head through the door to your right.
Tina: It was wonderful to meet you all! I hope we can all catch up for dinner some night this week. I'd love to get you know you all!


Hayden: Yeah, look lady. I'm not going through this again. Not a chance in hell am I walking through those gates, and I don't have a clue what the hell you're talking about.

Hayden: You're having a laugh if you think I'm going to spend one more second of my life in or around a jail cell... I'm not going in. Got it?

Warden: Unfortunately for you, and fortunately for me, this IS happening. Please, enter through this gate here and head to the Overseers Office. They will be reviewing your case. The case of the crime that you committed... You know the drill.

Hayden: Maybe you didn't hear me correctly, lady. I'm not going with you. Now are you going to explain to me where the hotel is?

Warden: Oh. Why of course! The information you require is right this way. Speak to Officer Miles and he will give you directions to your... room-HOTEL! He'll show you to your hotel...

Hayden: Fine... I'll go through the stupid gate, but that's as far as I go!
Warden: *snickers*... Poor soul doesn't know what he's gotten into.


Lawrence: Yoooooo! The Ex-Moles! This is sick, bruh! How are you guys?... 
Pacman: Hello, Lawrence.
Lawrence: Oh. Sorry, is this supposed to be a formal setting. My bad, bros.

Pacman: We're here to ask you a few questions, if you'd please?
Lawrence: Sure. I heard a little about what was going on here. I studied a bit of legal literature and precedence during my time in college... This isn't going on my record, right?
Pacman: Uhhh... No... No, it isn't.

Ali: Try not to feel any pressure. We just wanna know where you hid the body!
Lawrence: Body? What body?!
Ali: Oh, he is gooooood!

Lawrence: What would you like to know?
Rob: We'd like to know what you did when you arrived here at the penitentiary.
Lawrence: After the warden, I met with the officer who took me to you guys. We made a slight detour in the courtyard.

Pacman: What was in that detour you took? Did it take long?
Lawrence: Nah, bro. It was actually super quick. Went into a little room and then came here.
Pacman: Was there anything notable in the room?

Lawrence: Not really... Oh, no wait... On second thought...

Lawrence: There was a panda sitting in there.
Ali: Oh Em Gee! A panda?! Eeeeeee! I love pandas! They're absolutely adorable! Can you please show me to the panda baby thanks!

Rob: A live panda?
Lawrence: A live panda. He got up and everything...
Rob: And you know it was a he because...? Wait. Don't answer that.
Lawrence: I don't. Sorry, Panda Bro for assuming your gender.

Lawrence: I went into the room. It was full of bamboo and grass and stuff. The panda was sitting on a little bench and he got up to greet me. It was adorable AF. Capital AF. Like truly sweet.

Ava: You went into a room and there was a super cute panda in there! Yet, we're stuck here! Umm.. Can we go see the panda?!
Ali: I would still LOVE to go see the panda please!
Ava: It's not fair!

Pacman: Sadly... As much as my wife and I love this programme, I don't believe Taiha has the budget to-... I mean she does like Pandas.
Lawrence: Yeah, bro. She freakin' loves pandas.
Pacman: She also liked cats and stuffed animals and Angelica's story was false though. So I feel like we're being baited here.

Lawrence: Angelica's story was what now?
Pacman: Nevermind. I said too much.
Lawrence: Don't you know the budget is upped this season because Julia Price is a producer now? They can afford a panda, bro. Though, sometimes you wouldn't think it.

Rob: He DOES have a point. I am inclined to believe him, up until health and safety probably prohibits you entering a room alone with a LIVE PANDA. I don't see it being true. I'm going with lie here. Girls?

Ali: He saw a panda. Pandas are cute. He's telling the truth or I'm GOING to cry!
Ava: I have to go with my sister on this one. Larry wouldn't lie to us about Pandas.
Ali: Exactly! He's telling the truth, okay!

Lawrence: So... It's 50/50 then?
Pacman: Fine... Despite my better judgement, I'll go with the girls and believe you're telling the truth.
Lawrence: Chyeah, bro.



Lawrence: I still don't understand what is going on here. Are we really staying here? How bad can the budget be on this show that we had to stay in a motel AND a prison?

Lawerence: Also... What crime? I don't understand. This better just be today's challenge or I'm just gonna go find a bar, ya know?






Lawrence: Did I just-...

Lawrence: Oh, damn... I need to lay off the weed, bro. I'm tripping out big time. Is this a fever dream?

Lawrence: Uhh... Sup, bro? How you doin'?

Lawrence: Not much of a talker, eh?... I don't know what I thought would happen but, I'm gonna nope right out of this one. Later, bro!


Pacman: So wait... Was it a real panda or a fake panda?
Lawrence: Can't be sure, bro. I just went ahead and dodged outa that one.
Ali: I wanna go see the panda either way! I bet its super cute omg!

Rob: Sadly, you've told the truth and we've voted you've told the truth. You've done what we thought you'd do. Lawrence, you may leave through the door to your right.
Lawrence: Later, Moles!


Sharon: Excuse me, Ma'am. I see this is the Bungalow Heights State Penitentiary, but where exactly are we at the moment? What street is this? I think my taxi just took me on a longwinded ride to the wrong place.
Warden: This is 482 Burke Street.
Sharon: Oh?

Sharon: Do you happen to have a phone? I'm here for Mini Mole, and it seems the address I've been given is wrong. I'm a big lost.

Warden: I don't believe you're in the wrong place, Sharon George.
Sharon: How did you-...?
Warden: Come with me. Your case is about to be reviewed by the panel of Overseers.
Sharon: The panel of... who-what-now?

Warden: Please follow me, Miss George.
Sharon: I have a question.
Warden: I don't answer to you, Miss George.
Sharon: Woah, chill. I just wanted to know how long you've been working here.
Warden: Longer than you've been working YOUR job. I can't wait to escape this hell-hole.

Warden: Do you know how many inane idiots I have to surround myself with in a single day? Far too many! And the hours, my god, the hours. I can't stand this lifestyle.
Sharon: Geez... Sorry I asked...
Sharon: Ever thought of being in law enforcement?
Warden: No.


Officer: Just through those doors are the panel of Overseers that will be reviewing your case.
Hayden: Why am I even here? I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be relaxing in a hotel after watching Everett get eliminated.
Officer: I don't know what you're talking about, sorry, Sir.
Hayden: Look, dude. I went through the gates. I was wrongfully accused of NOTHING. I dealt with the discrimination from the Warden. I went to your stupid detour room. Can you just let me leave this... Nightmare of a hellhole?

Officer: ... Just go through the doors, sir.
Hayden: Get bent.
Officer: I'm just doing my job, sir.
Hayden: Yeah, well your job helps put and keep people in prison who are wrongfully convicted. Ever think of that, "sir"?

Hayden: Fine. I'll go through the stinkin' doors... These Overseers better be worth talking to.

Ali: Hiya, Hayden.
Hayden: ...

Hayden: ...
Ava: We just want to ask you-...
Hayden: Let me ask you something first.
Ava: Uhhh. Okay, but this isn't how the people said it works.
Hayden: Why the theatrics? Why the jail? Why not just... Call us down to the hotel lobby and say we're having a challenge?

Ava: I uh... I don't know either. Like we totally just got told to come here and we saw the pretty pink chars and now we're here asking people questions.
Ali: Ooh! That reminds me. I have a question to ask!
Ava: Oooh! Me too! You ask first.

Ali: Okay! Uhh... Hayden, are you like totally seeing anyone?
Hayden: You're joking right?
Ali: Oh. Yeah... I am. Ha Ha Ha. Definitely joking. Okay, Ava. Your turn!

Hayden: Why am I here and why are Ex-Moles the panel of "Overseers" here to "review my case"?
Rob: We're here to ask a few questions about your time since you walked through the gate.
Hayden: You and me both, brother.

Ava: How many people did you see when you arrived here? Like people as in the two legged kinda people.
Pacman: What other kind is there, Ava?
Ava: Uhh, the non-two-legged kind? Duh!

Hayden: I met two absolutely LOVELY people. The Warden and That Officer. They took me through to here, I made a small detour to a room and that was it. Now I've got a few questions for you guys.

Ava: What was in the room that you saw?
Hayden: Does it matter?
Ali: To us, yeah, kinda!

Rob: We're here to help you, Hayden. You can tell us what you saw. The quicker you answer our questions, the quicker you can leave.
Hayden: No lie?
Rob: We're not contestants on Mini Mole anymore. Why would WE lie to you?

Hayden: Okay, fine, I went with the officer to a little side room. It was a room with a plaque in it... The walls had this striking gold trim, with a black velvet feel and some gold crown decals... Weird deco but it was pretty flashy, ya know?

Hayden: It also uh, had some marble floors. It had an air of wealth to it, ya know? Like you'd just won the lottery and this is the house you'd buy but your house is actually just the size of an apartment you had with your on-again off-again girlfriend and her dumb goldfish... 
Rob: Uhh... Oddly specific.

Pacman: ... And what did the plaque say?
Hayden: Hmm...?
Pacman: The plaque. You said it was engraved. What was it engraved to say?
Hayden: Oh. Uh... I don't know.
Pacman: You don't know?

Hayden: No, no. I know. I mean, I don't know if I'm allowed to say it.
Rob: Why wouldn't you be allowed to say it? We're not a part of the game here.
Hayden: I think the producers might want to keep this a little secret, ya know?
Rob: Secret from 4 secret Ex-Moles? We WERE the secrets at one point, boyo.

Hayden: Right right... Okay... It uh... It said that "I was The Winner of Mini Mole Season Three". And on the wall was a cheque for all the prize money. A dream come true. Haha!

Hayden: Well, don't all congratulate me at once?
Rob: I don't think the show works that way, Hayden.
Hayden: With how badly I want the win, I trust that plaque more than any of you!

Ava: What do you think?
Ali: A cheque for the prize money. We never got a cheque for any money! I say it's a lie or we deserve some money!
Rob: I think it's a lie. Hayden doesn't trust us, therefore, he's hiding the truth. Either half the truth or the full truth. He doesn't want to be here so he's making up a lie.

Pacman: I agree. It just doesn't seem like something the producers would show to a contestant. There's a small chance they believe it to be true!
Hayden: I can hear you, you know?
Rob: We're going to officially claim that you, Hayden, are lying to us.
Hayden: Hey, it's your funeral.



Hayden: This better not be a ploy to torture me into a jail cell... Hell, for all I know this is a challenge to make us face our worst fears... This is bringing back hardcore PTSD, let me tell you.






Hayden: Holy hell... Is this? What the heck is going on in this place?

Hayden: What kind of sick joke is this?

Hayden: "Congratulations. You are the winner of Mini Mole Three"... Yeah, bullshit. Nice try, producers. As if you'd just hand someone the win without exploiting them for drama.

Hayden: You hear that? I'm onto you guys! I know this is a challenge and I ain't gonna fall for your tricks!


Hayden: Told you...
Rob: Well, I'll be damned.
Hayden: Seriously though, it was an honour to meet you all. Perhaps once I find the next Mole, I'll face off against y'all in All Stars.

Pacman: You've got a lot of confidence, Hayden. Good luck in this season.
Hayden: Thanks, bro. Good luck with... Whatever this is. 
Ava: We were wrong. You are free to go, please head to the right door.
Ali: Wait, which one is the right door?
Ava: Ooh! An extra challenge!

Pacman: She means the door to the right.
Hayden: Right... Later!


Carlos: Well, hello, beautiful. You wouldn't happen to know the directions to a... 482 Burke, would you?
Warden: You're looking right at it.
Carlos: Is that so?
Warden: It is.

Carlos: Well, I don't know about you, but the only thing I'm looking at right now is your gorgeous presence. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is-...

Warden: Carlos Escalante... I'm also married. Albeit unhappily, but knowing what I know about you, you're in the right place. There is a panel of Overseers here to see you, and adjudicate your conviction on your crime. Please follow me.

Carlos: Crime, huh? The only crime here is that ass being under house arrest, if you know what I'm saying.
Warden: Please continue to walk in front of me.
Carlos: Your loss... Or is it mine?
Warden: Don't make me use the pepper spray.

Carlos: Fine. Geez. Take a compliment... So, what exactly is this place? A themed hotel?
Warden: Why does everyone question the integrity of this penitentiary and the justice system?
Carlos: ... Themed hotel it is.


Sharon: Wow. I'm blown away. I didn't expect to come in here and see all of you. It's nice to meet you all!
Pacman: It's nice to meet you too. Sharon, we're here to ask you a few questions.
Sharon: Of course. Standard interview procedure? Did you bring a notebook, I tend to find that helps.

Sharon: Oh, you can borrow mine if you'd like. I like to write down a lot of notes. Especially in Mini Mole, it tends to help a lot.
Rob: You remind me a lot of Mandi. I think you'd both get along.
Sharon: Ha, I'm sure I would. Both being in the force, and all.

Pacman: First up, when you came into this establishment, how many people did you come into contact with?
Sharon: Two people. The Warden, who was less than hospitable, and the Grounds Officer.
Pacman: Right. Who brought you to us.
Sharon: Taiha gave me an address and money for a taxi.

Pacman: I mean more, within our walls.
Sharon: Oh. The officer did.
Pacman: Did he take you anywhere else first?

Sharon: He took me on a "detour", into a small empty room, and then I came here. Not much to say, it felt like a big waste of time.
Rob: Was it a waste of time?
Sharon: It was empty room. Visiting the jail cell at my local precinct is more of a riveting experience.

Ava: Did you do anything in this room?
Sharon: Hmm... Nope.
Ali: Nothing? Like you totally didn't even breathe?
Ava: Yeah! Did you like totally breathe? Cause we were always told we had to breathe.
Ali: Yeah, we forgot a lot as kids...

Sharon: I mean, yeah, I was breathing... and walking... Standing... Guys, it was literally just a room. Same floor as this metal grate and same walls as this room. Nothing to report on.

Sharon: Are you sure you guys don't need to borrow my journal? I left it in my suitcase, and I can go and get it...
Rob: I think we're getting a picture of what you've seen. Did anything else happen to you before or after the detour?
Sharon: Nope...

Ali: Literally nothing, like not even-...
Sharon: Walking, standing, breathing and talking...
Ali: Okay, phew! I was totally worried then.
Ava: No other rooms? Just an empty one? That's not fun.

Sharon: I don't know what else you guys want to hear, but I've got nothing for you. It was an empty room. Four walls, a floor and a door.
Rob: Interesting...
Pacman: No one has pitched such a simple concept to us, we're a little skeptical.
Sharon: I don't know what to tell you.

Ali: I don't believe her. No mention of a ceiling at all! She would have seen clouds and maybe a bird or two!
Sharon: There was a ceiling too.
Ali: A likely story!

Rob: Judging by your lack of details, and the fact that no one else has pitched "an empty room". I don't believe you're telling the truth. You're just avoiding the exact specifics of your room, and describing this one.
Pacman: I agree. I think you're a crafty liar.

Ava: We'd like to officially guess that you're lying to us!
Sharon: Suit yourself.



Sharon: I wonder what this detour is. It's gotta be the location of the next challenge, right? It's all too cryptic. What's through lucky door number one?

Sharon: Oh. Wow... I was NOT expecting this...







Sharon: Just kidding, I was. This is literally an empty holding cell... Only without the grossly misused benches. Ugh.

Sharon: I really don't understand why we're here, but I better soak this information in.


Sharon: I'm an officer of the law. I've interviewed witnesses, suspects and had heart-to-hearts with families. I'm not a born liar, just an FYI.
Pacman: Sorry, Sharon. We just didn't believe it was so simple.

Sharon: That's understandable. Good luck with your investigations. It was nice to meet all of you.
The Twins: You too!
Rob: You can exit through the door to your right.

Ali: I like her! 
Ava: Me too. She's feisty!


Madelon: Excuse me, lovely. Is there a hotel nearby here?
Warden: There is no hotel here or anywhere around this location.
Madelon: Am I at 482 Burke Street?
Warden: You are not mistaken.
Madelon: Oh...

Warden: Welcome to Bungalow Heights State Penitentiary.
Madelon: Thank you, except, I'm definitely in the wrong place. Are you able to call me a taxi? I think mine left without me...

Warden: Wrong place? My Dear, you are in the correct location. You're about to see a panel of Overseers who are reviewing the crime you've committed and will soon pass judgement on!
Madelon: Come again?
Warden: Do the crime, do the time. Please follow me.
Madelon: I uhh... I don't think I will.

Warden: How else are you going to call the taxi, dear?
Madelon: Oh. You were just joking. I love a lady with a sense of humour.
Warden: Yes... Joking... Follow me please.
Madelon: ... Sure.


Carlos: Well, well well... What do we have here? I was not expecting such an attractive panel of Overseers. How you doin'?

Ava: Hello, Carlos.
Carlos: Why hello there, gorgeous. My my, how could I forget that there were two absolutely stunning ladies from the last season. 
Ali: Omigosh. Stop I'm blushing!
Carlos: If only I were cast for the previous season, we could have spent some time, getting to know one another, and perhaps, I could make you blush every episode.

Carlos: My name is Carlos Escalante, and it is my privilege to be graced by your presence today.
Ava: We uhh... We have like, a few questions for you and stuff.
Ali: Yeah, like! What's your phone number, hot stuff!
Ava: Are you like, single?
Carlos: *to self* Heh. I've always wanted to bag twins.

Rob: I'm going to be doing the talking from now on.
Carlos: It would be best to let the ladies speak, thank you very much.
Rob: Collectively, we have some questions for you about your time since you entered the Penitentiary.
Carlos: Fine. We'll do this your way.

Rob: How many people have you encountered since you arrived here?
Carlos: Only three that I've cared about.. Plus you and that officer guy.
Rob: How many in total?
Carlos: Six.

Pacman: Did you get taken anywhere around the prison before coming in front of this panel?
Carlos: I don't have to answer these questions, right?
Pacman: Refusal to answer will result in game-related consequences, actually.
Carlos: You're bluffing.
Pacman: Will you take that risk?

Carlos: Fine. The answer is that I went on a slight detour, courtesy of the officer outside.
Ava: Where did you go?
Carlos: I'm glad you asked, m'lady. I went into a side room of the courtyard and inside was something quite unexpected. 

Ali: Was it a panda? Please tell me it was a panda.
Carlos: Unfortunately not.
Ali: Awww man... Lame.
Ava: Hehe. What did you see in the room then?

Carlos: Let me paint a picture. A Parisian style café. Small table, two chairs and a intimate, romantic setting. A vase with a small rose sat atop the table. One chair for me, the other chair for... Well... 
Ali: Me!
Ava: No! Me!
Ali: No way! You like totally had the last hot guy! It's my turn, Ava!
Carlos: Ladies, no need to fight. I'm sure we can arrange a double date.

Rob: So the room, how big would you say it is?
Carlos: It's quite large. There was enough space to create a nice backdrop for the romantic-style café setting. There were a few tables and chairs, I expected a waiter to come by.
Rob: What was in this backdrop?
Carlos: A sort of canvas awning. A chalkboard with French specialties on it. A flowery bush, with what I can only imagine was some variety of French rose. The smell was divine.

Carlos: Have you ever been to France, my angels?
Ali: Nope! Never!
Ava: We've been to Paris though, which I'm pretty sure is like, the country right next to France!
Ali: Really? I thought we went to Europe, is that in Paris?!
Ava: I think so. Silly!
Carlos: Uhh.... I'm sure you would love France. Perhaps one day, I will take you. When I win, of course.
Ali: Omgish! Totally!

Pacman: Is this the truth, or are you just trying to get Ali and Ava's numbers? Many men have tried and the closest number they've gotten is 2.
Carlos: This is what I saw... I have left out... One, unfortunate detail.
Pacman: And what is that?

Ava: Ugh. He's not taking us to France OR Paris... He's lying!
Ali: It's okay! I forgive you, Carl!
Ava: What else is there? What are you hiding?
Carlos: From you, nothing...

Carlos: However, as soon as I walked through the door of the room, I hid myself. For you see, my ex-girlfriend... Melanie... was sitting in one of the seats, and she was less than happy to see me.
Ava: I knew it! Ugh, why are all the hot ones like this!

Carlos: Hey. I said EX-girlfriend. Melanie and I were never meant to be and if see that bitch again, I'll make her regret the day she threw all of my things out her third story window! Nobody breaks up with Carlos Escalante and gets away with it!

Pacman: Psst... Ava...
Ava: Ugh. What?!
Pacman: Please tell me you aren't falling for this guy.
Ava: What do you care if I am? Its not like he was going to take YOU to France.
Pacman: He's clearly lying to us. I'll explain shortly.

Ava: Of course he's lying to us! He's clearly too upset about his breakup, and he didn't want to mention it because that bitch Melanie doesn't deserve such a handsome, sweet guy like Carlos but YOU made him bring it up, so like pffffffttttt!

Pacman: I mean... What?
Ava: Ugh. You just don't get it.
Pacman: He's lying to us, yes, but not for THAT reason.
Ava: Oh yeah? Then why IS he lying then, hmmm? Is he and Melanie soul mates, is that what you're saying?

Carlos: Ladies, ladies! Please, no need to fight over me. I speak nothing but the truth.
Pacman: Sure you do, pal. I'm sure made-up Melanie will attest to that too, right?
Carlos: Melaine is not made up, PAL.

Rob: I agree with Alex. Though Melaine isn't made up, the room you put yourself into IS just a ploy to get the Twins on side. 
Pacman: The room you described is NOT the same size as the room others had been taken to before you.
Rob: I noticed that too. What you described was far too large from what we heard before.
Pacman: I'd like to formally accuse you of lying.



Carlos: That officer has got some nerve. I bet he's trying for the warden too but he's punching well above his weight, let me assure you.

Carlos: Let us see what's behind door number one, shall we? Can't possibly be anything worse than this dump, surely.

Carlos: Well, well, well... Ain't this a surprise... Fancy this. What an absolute treat for me, right? Bet I'd never see such a horrible thing again in my life.

Carlos: Well, hello there, you dirty, rotten, disgusting... dare I say... Stone-Cold Bitch!
















Carlos: Honestly, this cell is atrocious and filthy. Who honestly lives like this? Dirty as hell and not in the good way. Remind me to never go to jail... Heh. Or get caught in the first place.


Carlos: You win this time, Moles... Oh, by the way, Melanie is the name of my car.
Pacman: You name your car?
Carlos: Car...s... Plural. They're my girls.

Carlos: Except for you of course. I've got a special place for you anytime in my heart.
Ali: Omigosh, stop it. You're too cute!
Carlos: Right back at you.

Ava: Ali, don't trust him. He's a big liar and a huge meanie!
Ali: Awww, but... okay...


Glen: Hi there, mate. Excuse me. Are you a local?
Man: I am, just out on my daily jog.
Glen: You wouldn't happen to know where 482 Burke Street is, would ya?

Man: This is Burke that I'm running on now. You're in the right area. Number one and stuff is the bottom of the hill. So I'd say you're close.
Glen: Thank you. I appreciate it man. Also look out, there's a kid behind ya.
Man: Oh, thanks, mate. Have a great day!

Warden: Looking for 482 Burke Street, Glen Harrison?
Glen: Huh? Who said that?
Warden: I'm the Warden at this Bungalow Heights State Penitentiary.
Glen: Warden, eh? You'd know where I'd find my location.

Warden: Why, it's right here of course.
Glen: I don't believe I've got any business here today. You must be mistaken.
Warden: You might not have business with us, but we sure have business with you. Hahahaha!
Glen: How did you know my name?

Glen: Let me guess, this is the location of the next challenge and I've just spent hours in a taxi going nowhere. Typical Taiha. Never trust anything she says. I heard last season she drugged her contestants at one point.
Warden: Interesting... Maybe she'll end up here after all.
Glen: Yeah, or the looney bin.


Madelon: Wow. As I live in breathe. Four Ex-Moles? It's wonderful to meet you all. I'm a big fan and this is a dream come true for me.
Pacman: Hello, Madelon. Welcome to our Mole den.
Madelon: Mole den. Madelon. Almost an anagram. Haha... Sorry, I'm a little star struck.

Rob: Madelon, we have a few questions for you.
Madelon: Okay, sure. What would you like to know?
Ava: Please, take a seat.
Ali: But not like literally take it, cause we need that for later.

Madelon: Thank you.
Rob: First question first. How many people did you encounter when you arrived here?
Madelon: Only two people... Oh, and you guys, of course.
Rob: Did anyone take you anywhere while you were here?

Madelon: Just to you guys here.
Rob: No where else?
Madelon: Nope. The officer kindly escorted me through the yard to these doors. He gave me a little rundown and now I'm here with the Ex-Moles of Mini Mole! It's exciting.
Rob: Interesting... So you didn't take a detour around the prison complex?

Madelon: Well... Now that you mention it, I did get taken to a room briefly by the officer on our way here.
Pacman: How big was the room?
Madelon: It was roughly the size of this room here. It was a lot more empty though, so it might be an illusion.

Rob: Was there anything in the room or was it completely empty?
Madelon: Funny you should ask that. There was a grotesque picture of what appeared to be a very unhappy clown. I'm not a big fan of clowns. Not after watching It.
Ali: Watching what now?

Ava: It! She was watching the picture of the clown, silly.
Ali: Ohhhh right...
Ava: Maddy, can you explain what the clown looked like?

Madelon: Of, course. So, the clown had a pale white face, with black markings around its eyes. Big radiant red lips, not a brand I would wear myself. He had tufts of hair on both sides of his head, sticking out. They were bright blue and completely wild!

Ava: How big was the painting?
Madelon: I would say it was a life-sized portrait of the clowns face. He looked really sad...
Ali: Awww... Poor thing.
Madelon: It felt like he was more human, than... Clown.

Ava: Ugh. Yeah. Clowns are definitely not human. They're all gross and scary and they won't leave you alone until they eat you! It's terrifying! Like totally wet yourself terrifying... Did you wet yourself, Madelon?

Madelon: Uhh... No. No I did not.
Ava: Not even a little scared?
Madelon: Well, there was one moment when I turned around and I felt like there was this presence behind me. A sort of breathing down my neck, if you will.

Pacman: Okay, now even I'M starting to get a little scared about this clown.
Madelon: It gets worse...
Pacman: It gets WORSE?! H-how...

Madelon: When I turned around... There he stood... The sad clown had come OUT of the painting, or at least a hidden hole in the wall, and was standing right behind me. He was holding a balloon and starting to cry. I was SHOOK!

Ali: Oooh! A balloon though. It's like a little birthday party!
Ava: I'm sad cause we weren't invited! Pleh...
Rob: They forgot that it was a scary story immediately as you mentioned the balloon...
Ali: So you turned around and the clown was there?

Madelon: He was indeed. I don't know where he came from, but he must have been half magician to appear like that.
Rob: No comments.

Ava: So now there was a magician too! Omigosh. This story is better than the panda one and the stuffed animal one combined!
Ali: Like totally!

Rob: She does know I've been here this whole time? Right?
Madelon: I don't think so...
Rob: Well, either way. I'm having trouble connecting with your story.
Madelon: How so?
Rob: There seems to be no concrete way to tell where the clown came from... Or why.

Madelon: What can I say... That's just the room I was taken too.
Rob: But I don't believe you were, considering you didn't want to tell us about this room originally.
Pacman: I agree. A clown appearing out of nowhere is not something you would forget upon coming here.
Madelon: I was star struck by you guys, honestly.

Pacman: We'd like to accuse you of lying, Madelon.
Madelon: Ex-Moles accusing ME of lying... There is irony in there somewhere. Haha.



Madelon: I'm almost confident that this ISN'T about making a phonecall anymore... This is definitely a challenge for Mini Mole now. Why else would we be here?

Madelon: Either way, I better keep an eye out. There must be more to today than meets the eye, right?

Madelon: Though... This certainly meets the eye. Haha!










Madelon: Meets the eyes with nothing interesting. What a waste of time. Don't they know I'm a busy woman?


Madelon: Bested by The Moles. This better be the first and ONLY time a Mole gets the best of Madelon Deblanche. It was lovely meeting you guys, though.
Ali: You too!

Rob: You can head out through the door to your right.
Ava: Byeeeee!


Glen: Mate, can I ask you a question?
Officer: Sure. Is it about the penitentiary.
Glen: It's about you, actually.
Officer: Sure. I can do my best.

Glen: Where did you go to police academy?
Officer: Here in Bungalow Heights, actually. They've got a really good academy not too far from this penitentiary.
Glen: Oh, really?... Who was your commanding officer then?
Officer: Uhh... Officer... Phillips...
Glen: ... And your badge number, son?
Officer: My badge number?... Uhh... 347...?

Glen: You're not a real police officer, are you son?
Officer: How did you-... No. I'm an actor, actually. Just don't tell Taiha I broke character. I'm hoping this is a big role for me.
Glen: I won't. I just have a curse. I notice things. The fact that you're not an officer just happens to be one of the things I first noticed about how you present yourself, and thought I'd double check.

Glen: I've still got my skills... By the way, you do know impersonating and officer is an offence, right?
Officer: I'm just an actor! I swear!
Glen: I'm just pulling ya leg, son.


Rob: So, do you think you guys have spotted The Mole of this season yet?
Ali: I have a few ideas. I'm pretty sure it's Ava!
Ava: I'm pretty sure it's Ali!
Rob: What about all the people we interviewed?
Ava: Oh totally, all of them!

Pacman: I have a few suspects. A few of them were good liars and manipulators, and I feel like you need to have the skills to bend the truth to be The Mole.
Rob: Agreed.

Rob: There are a few people we all really enjoyed talking to as well. I believe The Mole has to be someone really loved by the group, so they get underestimated.

Ava: I think The Mole has to be someone who is really clever and like, totally knows what they're doing.
Ali: We were the moles once, and omigosh I had no idea what we were doing.
Ava: I know it was SO hard! I forgot how hard it was!

Rob: Is that how you got eliminated and I became The Mole?
Ava: No! Taiha totally stole it from us!
Ali: Oh, hi Rob! I didn't see you there!
Rob: ... *sighs* I can guess why...


Glen: Hello?
Ava: Hello, Glen!
Glen: Greetings. How are y'all?
Ali: Great! Thanks for asking!

Glen: So you guys are the Ex-Moles, eh? I'm honoured to be here.
Rob: Welcome, Glen. We're here today to ask you a few questions about your time since you arrived in the jail.
Glen: I'm all open. Fire away.

Rob: Firstly, how many people have you met since you came into the penitentiary today?
Glen: Three people, plus yourselves. Seven in total.
Pacman: Seven? Can you recite who you met.
Glen: You four, the warden who brought me in, the actor who pretended to be an officer, and my brother Floyd.

Ava: Your brother Floyd?
Ali: Is he cute?
Ava: When did you see your brother? Is he here? Like in person?
Glen: He is indeed. Saw him just before I came inside this room.

Glen: I'm sure I'm meant to keep it a secret, but honestly, I got to see my brother and he's not been doing too well recently. He's been in and out of the hospital a little bit, so I couldn't care less what happens now. My day has been made, and it's lifted my spirits knowing he's okay and that I got to see him.
Ali: Aww! That's so cuteeeeee!
Rob: Touching!

Ava: So you got to see your brother?
Glen: I did. It's inspired me and is going to get me through this game. I missed my family, man. So I'm glad I got this opportunity.
Pacman: This is either the boldest play for a lie, or he's being serious. It's too close to home here.

Rob: Glen, you wouldn't lie to us, would you?
Glen: I would lie to you, but today, I couldn't give a rat's.
Rob: What was the lead up to your visit with Floyd?
Glen: The Officer told me to take a detour, and there he was sitting in a little room.

Glen: It was well decorated. Painted Walls. Carpet. A few potted plants and a painting on the back wall. It was set up like a TV interview, except sitting there was ol' Floyd.

Rob: How long has it been since you last saw your brother.
Glen: He just got out of hospital recently, I managed to visit him in hospital before I left for the show after auditions.
Ali: That's really sweet.

Glen: If y'all want, I can go back out there and get him. I'm not sure what the producers will think, but f*** I don't care. He'd be thrilled to meet ya. 
Pacman: We'd love to, perhaps after this episode we'll pay him a visit.
Glen: He's a good guy, he is. Big fan.

Glen: So, that's my story. We got to chat a little about how my wife was, and how his health has been. It was great to have that home contact, ya know?
Pacman: It's always nice to have someone have your back 100%.

Pacman: I know we're all Ex-Moles, but we all had someone in our seasons to cling to. I had my wife, Bridgette. Ali and Ava of course had each other. Rob, you and Mandi were a bit of a flirt-mance, right?
Ava: Who did I have again?

Ali: What ever happened to you and Mandi?
Rob: We felt it wasn't working between us, and we never had time to visit, so we drifted into just being friends. It's probably for the best.

Glen: So, what else do you need to know?
Pacman: I think we have everything. I can't see you lying to us about this, so on behalf of everyone, we're thinking you're telling the truth.
Glen: I am. Floyd would want me to, anyway.



Glen: I'm glad I've still got my powers. It used to be a curse, but in this game, noticing things is a real blessing. Hope I can use it to catch out The Mole.

Glen: What have we got through lucky door number one, eh?
















Glen: ... Hello? It... It can't be! No bloody way!

Glen: Floyd?! How the heck are ya, buddy?!
Floyd: Glen! How are you doing old man! Long time no see!
Glen: What a surprise! I didn't expect to see you anytime soon. When did you get here?
Floyd: They brought me over here just for this meet and greet. Surprise!

Glen: How have you been, my brother? I thought you were still in hospital?
Floyd: I was, but the doctor has given me the all clear and I'm a free man. First I got out, then I got a call from the producer's saying they want me here to be a part of the challenge.
Glen: I'm elated! Bring it in. Can't go without a hug, can ya!

Glen: You gotta tell me everything. How much time to we have?
Floyd: Not long, but I've been told we're allowed to have a quick non-game related chat.
Glen: Brilliant! So how are you feeling? Still getting pains?
Floyd: The pain is manageable and they've got me on a new treatment plan that seems to be going well.
Glen: That's excellent new. How's the wife?

Floyd: My wife or yours?
Glen: Both.
Floyd: The answer is the same, we miss having you around and they're both doing well. Your missus sends her love.
Glen: Tell her I think about her every day I'm here and she's what gets me through, eh!

Glen: So, are you still working at the bank?
Floyd: I am, will be starting back in a couple weeks after a little more rest.
Glen: How's everyone on my end?
Floyd: Excited I hear. You'll be famous. The whole department is getting on board to watch you fumble your way to victory.
Glen: Anyone think I'm The Mole?

Floyd: Just your kids, but I think they're being optimistic. You haven't got a lying bone in ya body, mate. Everyone remembers every time you tried during your childhood, and no one believes you can pull it off.
Glen: Ha. Their loss I guess... Or is it? Can't possibly reveal my secrets.

Floyd: I gotta know, man. Why the "Soccer Coach", schtick?
Glen: I mean, I wanna represent my team. I put a lot of effort into mentoring those kids and I'm damn well proud of them.
Floyd: You aren't gonna tell anyone else about your real life? You're just a soccer dad to them?

Glen: When the time comes, sure. But I want to be underestimated. Everyone calls me Coach here and I've got a place in the group. It's where you wanna be, Floyd. I might look like an old man, but I've got these young'ns all figured out.

Floyd: Well, we're all rooting for ya, Coach. By the way, the Under 12s season starts next week. Matty is filling in as Coach until you're back, but I'm gonna get your missus to make sure he doesn't mess it up.
Glen: Mate, my wife knows nothin' about coaching football.
Floyd: Guess she'll be a good replacement for ya then. Bahaha!

Glen: Alright, I've gotta go do a challenge or whatever happens after this. I'm glad everyone is doing well and that you're out of hospital. Been worrying about you since I left. This has put my mind at ease and I can get back into the game now.
Floyd: Well, we're all rootin' for ya. Go give 'em hell, Glenny boy.

Glen: Tell my missus to clear her schedule come the finale. We're going on a bloody second honeymoon and I don't care what she says!
Floyd: Will do. Have a good one, eh! Win for us!


Glen: I couldn't lie about my twin. I'm sure the girls know what I'm talking about. It's a special bond, eh.
The Twins: Totally!
Glen: Make sure you give Floyd a visit for me.

Rob: You can exit through the door to your right. Thanks, Glen.
Glen: Give Floyd my best, and let him know I'll see him when I've got the prize money.

Pacman: Well, that's it. All eight of them. Only three of them fooled us, and only three of them told lies. I wonder what this says about them.
Rob: I wonder who this season's Mole is. Whoever it is, I'm sure we'll welcome them with open arms.


Taiha: Hello, my kittens! I hope you've found your way to this location with my super easy and clear directions!
Taiha: Hey, you all made it here! Welcome to the location of our next challenge!

Hayden: You couldn't have picked a worse hell for me, could you?
Sharon: I didn't mind the experince. It was cool to see what the other side of law enforcement looked like.
Carlos: At least there was some eye candy... Right gentlemen?

Tina: It was really cool to meet the Ex-Moles.
Angelica: Cool, but really daunting to try and deceive the deceivers.
Madelon: They were really tough to fool. They weren't chosen as Moles for nothing! Makes me kind of scared about this season's Mole, if I'm honest.

Taiha: I'm glad you all thoroughly enjoyed your day here at the Prison. Luckily for you guys, this was only for a challenge and you will NOT be sleeping here tonight. Our hotel comes next, and I'm sure you will all love the upgrade!
Hayden: Thank God...

Taiha: Today's challenge was worth a total of $8000! I know, it was a big one, but we have to get the prize money in somehow! It was relatively simple. All you had to do was remember what you did when you entered the Prison and try and fool The Ex-Moles.

Taiha: For every person that successfully lied to The Moles, or told them the truth, and they couldn't correctly identify which you were attempting to sell them, $1000 would be added to the kitty! Three people successfully fooled The Moles with their stories.

Taiha: Hayden convinced The Moles he was lying, despite telling the truth.
Hayden: Sometimes telling the truth in an unconvincing way gets people questioning you. I like to think I did well.
Taiha: $1000 from Hayden.

Taiha: Sharon successfully told the truth, but being so upfront meant The Moles couldn't pick it.
Sharon: I don't lie. They should have seen it coming.
Tiaha: $1000 from Sharon!

Taiha: And would the last person please reveal their story to the group?... Tina?
Tina: Ummm... Well, I successfully told The Moles the truth, but they didn't believe me.
Madelon: That's awesome. $1000?

Tina: I think so.
Taiha: Yup!... Andddddd...
Tina: And, I couldn't believe my luck or story myself because... I was offered an exemption if I could successfully tell the truth but still fool The Moles. Which I did!... Right?
Lawrence: No way!

Taiha: It's true! Whoever went second was offered an exemption, only if they told the truth and DIDN'T sabotage. Tina has managed to fool The Moles, and has therefore won this season's first Exemption!

Angelica: Congratulations, Tina!
Madelon: Lucky duck! I'd love to have that!
Lawrence: Damn, bro. I would have loved an exemption. Where was my chance?
Tina: Thanks! I also brought in $1000, so that's good for everyone too! Right?... Please don't hate me!

Taiha: With that $3000 goes into the group kitty... But unfortunately, $5000 goes straight into the hands of Our Mole.
Taiha: I'll see you all at the next location... Our new place of residence... The ACTUAL hotel!... I swear this time!


By correctly fulfilling the secret requirements of the hidden exemption, Tina/Lilli is immune for the next episode's upcoming elimination. Congratulations!


Players Kitty - $15,900
Moles Kitty - $15,600


Angelica Rivers by @Alleenmens
Carlos Escalante by @kittymeow
Everett Cameron by @Tigerblu11
Glen Harrison by @twiddle3
Hayden Clay by @Shadami
Lawrence Lee by @icmnfrsh
Madelon Deblanche by @M13Vulpecula
Nicky St Clair by @ninjakid150
Sharon George by @YJB19299
Tina Woods by @lillibattenberg


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