Friday 14 June 2013

Taiha's Mini Mole: Episode 8: Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right

Taiha's Mini Mole

Episode 8:
Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right

*       *       *
Taiha: After the challenge yesterday...

The Contestants decided to... spend time with their loved ones.

There was a lot of kissing...

...and other stuff between the two couples.

Danny: *sigh* This is getting old!


Taiha: Some contestants... Well just Jan decided to spend some much needed family time.

Taiha: Danny didn't think it was that important.
Joe: Hey. Whatcha watchin?

Danny: Uh. Um Nothing.

Danny: Just. Sports and ****.
Joe: Ok. Because for a second there I thought you were...

Danny: Uh. No.

Taiha: It seems to these cool cats... Family does matter... to most of them.

Jan: Guys do you mind if we all watch a movie together?
Danny: There isn't much room left here.
Joe: Nah its ok. Chrissie can take my spot.

Jan: Thanks Joe.
Chrissie: Yeah thanks!

*movie starts*

Taiha: Uh. Guys. You do know tonight is elimination night.

Taiha: Guys? Hello.
Joe: Wait I want to see this.
Jan: Can you move to right a bit Taiha?

Taiha: Guys can we have a raise of hands. How many of you are hosts of this show?

Taiha: Now its time for elimination! But before we get to that.

Pacman: What?
Taiha: Nothing. You guys are just so adorable together!

Taiha: Now. To the quiz. But first let me just let in a little twist.
Not only will you dogs be doing to quiz.
Your loved ones will ALSO be doing the quiz for you.

Pacman: What about us? Do we do the same quiz?
Bridgette: Cause we don't have loved ones here.
... Well. Except each other!

Taiha: No you guys will be doing the quiz normally. You scores will be doubled or you can do two seperate quizzes.
Oh BTW I don't think I said that both the player and the loved one scores will be added together.
That is your total score.

*       *       *
*Quiz Time*
(Instead of showing you the actual quiz. I am going to say what each person is thinking :P)
(Just to let you know. Not all of these. If any. Are Correct!)

*Team Black and White*
Stacey: I'm not certain who it is. I'm pretty sure I'm on the right track but still, everyone is suspicious. It could be either Jan or maybe even Bridgette. I'm not sure.

Derek: After that dramatic exit by whats-his-face. Getting replaced so quickly. It makes sense that Bridgette is the mole now. Unless it was just sheer luck.

*Team Danny-is-awesome!-Everyone-else-is-not*
Danny: My main suspect. Jan. She's not even good at her job. I mean she tries to not look like the mole but it isn't working. Sorry... wait no I'm not.

Joe: I hope that my brother is actually on the right track. It's got to be Stacey. Either that or its my brother Danny. In fact, it could be anyone! Even one of the love-birds.

*Team Bridgette*
Bridgette: I know I don't want to believe it. But I only notice it now that it could even be my closest friends. Pacman and Danny. As much as I don't want to think it. It could be.

*Team Ellis*
Jan: Stacey. She is on the top of my Mole list. At this point in the game, it's still unclear. But I am sure that the Mole will show their face soon. For now. It is probably Stacey.

Chrissie: I'm not very good with lies and stuff. But if I had to pick someone to be the Mole. It'd be Bridgette. Cause no one would want it to be her!

*Team Stale-Marshmallows*
(Tell me if you get the reference)
Pacman: It's hard to tell who is being truthful or not. Danny has his fair shares in sabotage and so does Stacey. It's most likely one of those two.

*       *       *
*At the Elimination*

Taiha: Elimination. It's always fun isn't it.
For anyone who is just joining us now.
We'll have a quick recap!

Ok. We have Stacey and Derek

Jan and Chrissie!

Danny and Joe!
Danny: Why does he have to sit next to me?

And we welcome back. Bridgette!!!

And lets not forget Pacman!

Taiha: Now. You're quizzes have been tallied and we now know the scores.

We all should know how it works. Green good, red bad!
So lets begin.

Who is first?

Danny and Joe?

You're safe!

Taiha: Bridgette?
Bridgette: Fine. I sure didn't miss this.

Nah you're all good! Again.

Taiha: Jan? Are you getting eliminated?

Chrissie: I don't want her to go.

Chrissie: You won't go right?!

Jan: Oh don't worry baby. It'll be fine. Winning isn't everything.

Chrissie: Ok.
Jan: Quickly now!

Taiha: Doesn't matter. You're safe!

And that leaves 2!
Stacey: Uh oh.
Pacman: *gulp*

Taiha: Stacey? Derek?

Taiha: Good luck.

Taiha: Uh... Bad luck?

Taiha: Sorry guys. Its time to go.

Taiha: Well you've done great. But no good enough.

Taiha: You managed to fool some people but in the end you got fooled yourself!

Derek: Uh. Can I have a word with you?

Derek: *whispering*
Taiha: Ok.

Derek: Stacey.
Stacey: Yes?
Derek: We've been dating for a while now... and I uh... well.

Derek: I uh. Just want to know...

Derek: Stacey White. Will you marry me?
Stacey: OMG! OMG!!!

Taiha: Why is it I never get proposed to when I was on the show?

Derek: Well?
Stacey: YES! YES YES YES! A thousand times yes!!

Taiha: Well. What an exit.

*       *        *

Taiha: And that is that. But now that tonight is over.
Loved ones. Aka Joe and Chrissie.
It's also time for you guys to leave.

Chrissie: By MUM! You can win this!

Taiha: And now...
The Final 4!

*       *       *

Sorry to Twiddle3. You did really well. Halfway is a good time to leave. Unfortunately you didn't win. But you didn't lose horribly. You don't know how well you actually did but in the end. You didn't do good enough. If all else fails.... Blame Derek.
But I thank you for playing! :D

MOLE'S KITTY: $29,000

Hosted by Taiha Anderson.
Produced by Haylo.

Bridgette Newman
Jan Ellis
Amber Ferreira
Stacey White
Danny Sharpe
Juan Kennedy
Brad Hughes
Pacman Pierce

Family and Friends of Contestants:
Chrissie Ellis
Derek Blackburn
Joe Sharpe

Real Life Players:

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