Tuesday 7 May 2013

Taiha's Mini Mole: Episode 3: Who Do You Think They Are?

Taiha's Mini Mole

Episode 3:
Who Do You Think They Are?

*       *       *
*After Elimination*

Jan: I can't believe Brad left. After I made him sleep on the lounge. I kinda feel bad. But the game is a game and I'm still here to win.

Danny: As much as I love the bloke. Brad really wasn't fit for this game. I mean lets face it. He's not that intelligent or good at very much. He's no help to the team or to himself. I'm sad to see him go but... better him than me!

*       *       *
*The Next Morning*

*Random Chatter*

Bridgette: Oh look here she comes.
Amber: Who?

Bridgette: Who do you think?
Amber: Um...?

Taiha: Sup Guys.
Amber: Oh. Her.

Taiha: Yeah. When I started this show. I forgot one thing!

Taiha: Your journals!
So I went to the shops and got some second hand empty books.
So feel free to write down some important remember-y stuff for the quiz.

Pacman: Uh why is mine blue?
Juan: Why is mine so thin?

Danny: ..and why does mine look like s**t?

Taiha: They were cheap ok! They aren't for looks. They are for being used!
Stacey: Hey Danny what number did you get?
Danny: 4. You?
Stacey: 2. Juan? Bridgette?
Juan: 3.
Bridgette 5.
Amber: I got 1! Do I win?
Pacman: Heh No. I got 8.
Jan: Uh. I got 6. Why does this matter?

Taiha: Oh and guys. Look inside and you'll see some info about a certain player.

Taiha: Um guys! Taiha talking!? You know. The host?!

Taiha: Here's the deal for today's mission!

Taiha: Each of you have been given some information in the front of your journals about a certain player.

Taiha: It's you guys jobs to remember the information...

Taiha: Because there will be questions after everyone is finished studying or when I get there.

Taiha: So I've booked you a day at everyone's favourite place!
Amber: A spa?!
Pacman: An arcade?
Danny: Away from you?
Taiha: Nope! The art gallery! So lets get going!

*       *       *

*Mole Van 1*

*Mole Van 2*

Pacman: We're almost in the city.
Stacey: I've always wanted to go into the city!
Bridgette: Me too!
Amber: OMG! I love the city!


*At The Gallery*

Pacman: We were ready to get our studying on! It's like we never left school at all! We all knew what was at stake though... and we were all ready to win some money. I mean, all we had to do was remember a few facts and we're set.

*       *       *

Everyone is hard into remembering their facts.

Danny: My god this is boring.

Danny: Why are we at an Art Gallery to read?

Jan: Where are you going?
Danny: I uh. Need to toilet.

Danny: Ok. Coast clear. Looking for clues. Activate!

Danny: Hmm... Why is this art? and Why is this pointing to that picture?

Juan: Psst. Hey Bridge.
Bridgette: Yah?
Juan: Danny left his journal over there.

Bridgette: So?
Juan: Should we read it?

Bridgette: I don't think that's a good idea. I mean isn't that cheating?
Juan: How?
Bridgette: Well. We're not supposed to read each others information. I don't want to have points lost again.

Juan: There isn't anything saying that..... Who do you have?
Bridgette: Danny. You?
Juan: I got Stacey.

Juan: Look at her over there. So concentrated.

Jan: Uh. I'm sick of this.

Jan: Bartender. Get me the nicest drink.
Bartender: Whatever.

Jan: Thanks. Want something Stacey?
Stacey: Shh... I'm trying to study.
Jan: Pfft. Fine. Don't have to be so rude about it.

Bridgette: So If it's not against the rules. Wanna help test each other?
Juan: Sure. Danny's favourite colour?

Bridgette: Red. Stacey's... uh... partner's name?
Juan: Darren?... No Derek.

Juan: Ok here's a toughie. Danny's biggest fear.

Bridgette: Hmmm... Not being a douchebag?
Juan: Haha.

Bridgette: Nah... it's losing.
Juan: You're too good at this.

*       *       *

Pacman: Uh. Hey Amber.

Amber: What?
Pacman: Wanna help each other?

Amber: Uh NO! That's illegal!
Pacman: It's not illegal... and if you mean it's against the rules... I'm pretty sure it's not.
Amber: Well I don't want to!

Pacman: Fine. I'll go ask Danny then.

Pacman: Wait where is Danny? He left his book here.

Pacman: Danny? Where have you been?

Pacman: Did you study at all?

Danny: Of course. I was... uh... just admiring the art!

Pacman: Wait. You didn't study at all did you?
Taiha: Guess who?! Times up!

*        *        *

Taiha: Ok. You've had most of the day to read and remember the facts.

Taiha: I'm gonna ask each of you a question.
For every correct answer. I'll add $1,000 to the kitty!
Every wrong answer. I'll take $1,000 out of the kitty.
Got it?

Jan: We were ready. We were more than ready! We spent all day on this and we knew we were going to ACE those questions!

Stacey: I worked my heart out for this... and my brain. I knew that we were going to make a lot of money in this challenge!

Taiha: Amber. Would you like to start?

Amber: Who me?
Taiha: No. The bartender!

Bartender: I hate my job.

Taiha: I mean you! You idiot!
What is Juan's mother's name?

Amber: Wait... wait. I got this!

Amber: Is it Sandra?

Juan: Yes. It is Sandra.

Taiha: Haha. Nice try. But that's not right.
Juan's mum's name is Denise.

Bridgette: IDIOT! I mean. She should've got that. She'd studied all day. 
These aren't that hard. I know all about Danny now.

Taiha: Juan. What is Jan's son's name?
Juan: Uh. I didn't have her info.
Taiha: Time's ticking.
Juan: Uh... Paul?

Taiha: Jan? What is your son's name?
Jan: I don't have a son. I have a daughter.

Juan: That was unfair. I didn't even have her info... Then it hit me. We were supposed to work as a team on this. Helping each other. What idiots we are.

Taiha: Stacey! Amber's favourite animal?

Stacey: Uh. Kittens?
Taiha: That's my favourite. She can't have it!

Amber: Haha nope. I love dogs!

Taiha: Jan. How old is Bridgette?
Jan: Uh. She looks about. 19?

Bridgette: I wish. You're close. I'm 22.

Taiha: Danny. Stacey's fiancé's name?
Danny: What is this? I didn't even have her info.
Juan: Yeah neither did I.
Jan: Me too.
Taiha: Time's a wasting!
Danny: Rich?

Stacey: I don't have a fiancé. I have a boyfriend. See. No ring.

Taiha: 5 wrong answers! Pacman?
Pacman: Yes?
Taiha: Danny's Brother's name?

Pacman:... Um. Joseph?
Taiha: Danny?
Danny: Uh, come on man! It's Joe. Not Joseph.
Pacman: Oh sorry. I didn't know.

Taiha: Last one. Please. Get at least one right! Bridgette, what Make and Colour is Pacman's car?
Bridgette: Oh Lord! Uh... White... Toyota? 

Pacman: Heh. I don't have a car. I can't drive.

Taiha: ..... Wow. 7 straight wrong answers. $7,000 out of the kitty.

Taiha: Look. Since it seems none of you worked as a team. I'll go double or nothing. Meaning I'll give you you're money back if you win... If you lose you'll get nothing.

Taiha: A second chance really.
Who actually got Pacman's info?

Danny: I did.
Taiha: Ok. Then. You would know from the giant font what Pacman's favourite Video Game is.

Danny: Hmmm... Heh.
Bridgette: Cmon you got this.

Danny: Is it Pac-man?

Pacman: *coughs* Uh...

Taiha: Pacman? Is he right for $7,000?

Pacman: ... No. I only am called Pacman cause of this shirt.
Danny: What the hell.
Jan: I agree... What the heck.
Danny: I said Hell.
Jan: I don't care.

Taiha: Wow..... WOW! You guys SUCK!

Taiha: You guys need to work on you're teamwork a bit. I mean really. The kitty is now $3,000.

Taiha: And you know what. Bye. BYE. That was terrible. A waste of time.

*       *       *

MOLE'S KITTY: $24,000

Hosted by Taiha Anderson.
Produced by Haylo.

Bridgette Newman
Jan Ellis
Amber Ferreira
Stacey White
Danny Sharpe
Juan Kennedy
Brad Hughes
Pacman Pierce

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